R-COD 500 & R-COD 500 IR
At startup
1 blink
Normal start.
2 blinks
Start with SW 1/8 ON. (All IR codes are deleted.)
During normal use
1 blink
Invalid IR code.
2 blinks
Too many characters in received IR code.
3 blinks
IR code deactivated.
4 blinks
Incorrect IR control character.
5 blinks
Unknown IR code received.
R-COD 500 daily use
Access doors by using the keypad to enter one of the programmed access codes. Each
time a button is pressed, the left symbol blinks.
When a valid access code is entered, the door unlocks and the two right symbols blink
R-COD 500 IR daily use
Access doors by using the keypad to enter one of the eight access codes that were
programmed. Each time a button is pressed, the left symbol blinks.
Alternatively, use an IR transmitter with one of the activated IR codes.
When a valid access code is entered/received, the door unlocks and the green figure
lights up.