Installation in Kraken Vekta
Installation in the Vekta is pretty much the same as a standard engine with the exception of the
expansion chamber. This is supplied with new brackets to attach to the car securely. It is
connected to the engine using a gasket and header piece, then the main pipe attaches via a slip joint
and retaining springs. A small length of tubing is supplied to fit to the end of the outlet and ensure no oil
residue from the smoke is left inside the car.
Body Cage Modification (not body panels)
As shown on the picture below, there is a small mod required to the plastic cage bars which are in the
way of the rcmax billet intake. Simply trim this cross bar and circle section from the cage, leaving the body
panel in tact. This just allows a little room in the event of a rollover for the body to flex inwards without hitting.
Also with the new SUPREME Cylinder head, it is required to remove the front right cage bar which hits the head.
A Walbro WJ71 Big Bore carb is fitted as standard on the RCMAX 71.
The carb is supplied with throttle arm prepared to take the supplied quick release fitting, we also
supply a new link rod which is bent to fit the large crankcase.
With the WJ71 Carb, youll notice its 10mm wider and therefore more effort needed on the cage, we
supply a billet spacer which fits between your cage and the bottom cage mount leg to space out the cage.
NOTE: See further sheet for more information on the carb and settings
A higher ratio is required for the main drive gears. A 23 tooth pinion and 18 tooth step gear should provide
a good starting point. Suitable gears for the Vekta are made by Vertigo and we offer their system.
This ratio should give the car good acceleration and a reasonable top speed so it can be used in a
reasonably sized space. Lots of other gear combinations are available too.
Please bare in mind tyre size, if you run Trepadors then stage 2 gears (21/20) will be plenty.
Because of the considerable extra performance of the engine it will be necessary to upgrade the drivetrain
Because of the considerable extra performance of the engine it will be necessary to upgrade the drivetrain
with heavy duty parts. We would recommend using the RCMAX heavy duty front billet diff housing.
We also advise to use 1M diff oil in the rear and 300k oil in the front diff. In this way you will always have
a good spread of the power and the engine should not be able to overcome the oil too easily.