In addition the phono preamplifier must amplify the low level signal to line level to match other sources. CD
players have an output of 2 volts whereas MM (moving magnet) cartridges typically output just 2 mV.
Therefore, the MM signal needs to be amplified 1000 times. MC (moving coil) cartridges can have outputs as
low as 0.1 mV and thus require amplification more than 6000 times. Doing this with low noise is a very
difficult task and one which the Sensor 2 achieves with precision and excellence. Most commercial phono
amplifiers struggle to do this and only provide 1 volt output. Our tests prove that 2 volts is optimum, the same
as a CD player. Therefore, the Sensor 2 is capable of providing 76dB of gain and an output of 2 volts.
We recommend placing your Sensor 2 on a clean, dry, stable, vibration free surface, as close
as possible to your turntable. The power supply can be located some distance away for
convenience and to minimize noise. If you hear any hum or noise please move the preamplifier
around until the noise goes away. Because of the very high amplification factor it can pick up
stray hum fields from other pieces of equipment.
Connect the power supply chassis to the Sensor 2 amplifier chassis with the umbilical cable
provided (
i.1 pos.14
Connect your turntable to the
input sockets (
i.1 pos.4 and 11
). The inputs are RCA only
but the output from a phono cartridge is inherently balanced. The Sensor 2 takes full
advantage of this by virtue of the fact that it is a balanced circuit inside. Both Balanced
i.1 pos.1 and 8
) and Unbalanced
i.1 pos.2 and 9
) outputs are provided so if your
integrated amplifier or preamplifier is XLR equipped you can you can take full advantage of this
feature. No switching is necessary to use this feature.
To ensure optimal cartridge matching the Sensor 2 has both LOAD and GAIN adjustment via
DIP switches accessible on the rear.