Connect to the Control Room Output Balanced jacks a pair of studio monitors as local listening
system. The audio level of the CTRL ROOM output is controlled by the dedicated CONTROL ROOM
potentiometer on the front panel (see section
of this manual).
[12] CHannel 1 TO 4 gaIn
MIC input (XLR). These controls permit the gain for MIC input to be set with a range from 0 dB to -50 dB;
connect your microphones here. If the LINE INPUT (TRS jack) are in use the gain range permitted is from
+20 dB to -30 dB. All the F 12XR’s MIC-LINE inputs are supplied with an 80 Hz Hi-pass filter. Enable the 80
Hz Hi-Pass filter when using microphone for voice to reduce low frequency pop, bump and rumble noises.
[13] CHannel 5/6 anD 7/8 gaIn
MIC input (XLR). These controls permit the gain for MIC input to be set with a range from 0 dB to -50 dB.
Corresponding LINE INPUT (TRS jack) have a fixed input level gain.
[14] CHannel 9/10 anD 11/12 gaIn
STEREO LINE INPUT (TRS jack). The controls allow a gain range control from +20 dB to -30 dB.
[15] In uSB - In 11/12 BuTTOn
When the button is in upper position (not pressed) the audio coming from LINE INPUT 11/12 is routed
to MAIN MIX; when USB IN - IN 11/12 button is pressed, the stereo audio channels played from an
external computer connected to the USB port is routed to the stereo channel 11/12. In this instance the
USB audio substitutes the analog audio input and takes advantage of all the features provided by the
stereo channel such as EQs, AUX send, BAL and fader control.
[16] PHanTOM POWeR +48 V CH1/6 SWITCH
Dedicated to the Mic input, this switch allows the +48 V Phantom Power to the Mic input 1 to 6 to
be enabled. The enabling of the Phantom power is necessary in presence of Condenser and Electret
Microphones or in case of D.I. box usage.
[17] leVel MeTeR
This 12 LED elements level meter allows to control the Main Mix output level. Keep the output level
below the “CLIP” indication to avoid overloaded signals that can cause distortion.
Input channels 1 to 4 are provided with intuitive and powerful single control dynamic compressors.
With thresholds and ratio parameters properly designed, the F 12XR’s compressors allow even the most
dynamically demanding signals to be controlled.
[19] eQ (MOnO CHannelS)
All the F 12XR’s mono channels and stereo channel 5/6 and 7/8 are provided with a sophisticated and
precise 3-band EQ. Low frequency control sets in at 100 Hz with a gain of +/-15 dB and shelving curve.
High frequency control sets in at 10 kHz with a gain of +/-15 dB and shelving curve. Mid frequency
control sets in at 1250 Hz with a gain of +/-15 dB and bell curve.
[20] eQ (STeReO CHannelS)
Stereo channels 9/10 and 11/12 are provided with shelving HIGH and LOW EQ bands. Hi frequency
control sets in at 10 kHz with a gain of +/-15 dB and shelving curve. Low frequency control sets in at
100 Hz with a gain of +/-15 dB and shelving curve.