RCA WRW5705MAL Use And Care Manual Download Page 5

Summary of Contents for WRW5705MAL

Page 1: ...g Guide 6 7 CycleSettings 5 Stain RemovalGuide 19 Storaze VacationTips 26 DelicateWash System Setting 5 9 Denim Cycle 4 5 Detergents Other Additives 13 U Ener v Savin Tivs 10 FabricSoftener Dispenser 8 Hard Water 16 Limestone Deposits 14 Loading the Washer 4 12 Model and Serial Numbers 2 Operating Instructions 4 Pre Treating u 17 Problem Solver 20 25 User Maintenance Instructions 26 Warrantv BackC...

Page 2: ...ther appliance Usethesenumbersinany correspondence orservicecalls concerningyourwasher If you received a damaged washer e Immediatelycontactthedealer orbuilder thatsoldyouthe washer save time andmoneys Beforeyourequest service checktheProblemSolveron pages20 25 It listscausesofminor operatingproblemsthatyoucan correctyourself AIJwashinginstructiontermsin thisbookconformtothe CareLabeling Ruleestab...

Page 3: ... heaterand orwaterpipesifhot waterhasnotbeenusedfora periodeftwo week orlonger mDRoGEN GASCANBE EXPLOSIWUNDERT SE CR STANCW Sotoprevent thepssibitityofdmage orim jmy ifyouhavenotusedhotwaterfor twoweek ormore9 ormoveintoa residenceinwhichthehotwater systemmaynothavebeenusedfor sometime9 turnonallhotwater faucetsand allowthemtorunfor severalminutesbeforeusingany electricalappliancewhichis connected...

Page 4: ...ngGuideon pages6 and7 Selecta FabricCareprogram Automatically Programmed Fabric Care Selections Wash Spin Wash Rinse Speed Speed Temp Temp Cottons Colorfast Normal Normal Hot Cold Cottons Non Colorfast Normal Normal Warm Cold Perm Press Normal Gentle Warm cold Knits or Delicates Gentle Gentle Warm Cold Silks or Woolens Gentle Normal Warm Cold SelectWaterLevel o SelectOptions LOW Washerislessthan 1...

Page 5: ...k DENIM DELICATE RAPID Permanent ASH Delicates wASH Press Selector Settings Soil Soil CYCLE SYSTEM Wash 5 Soak 2 Wash 15 6 15 3 3 10 5 Spin 31 2 31 31 21 2 21 2 21 2 21 Rinse 3 3 3 3 21 21 21 2 21 Spin 7 7 7 3 41 41 2 41 2 41 2 2nd Rinse 21 2 21 2 3 I I Spin 7 7 7 Gfai 32 25 1 411 2 241 2 171 2 23 20 Time 47 39 V4hcn ExtraRinse controlisturnedto YES HOTES oPatiscsoccurbct wcen eachphaseofthecycles...

Page 6: ...or LightSoilSetting BabyClothes Sturdy suchasDiapers Nightgowns Shirts Pads Sheets Receiving Blankets Coveralls CottonsColorfast depending onamountofsoil Delicatesor DELICATE WASH SYSTEM Knitsor Delicates BabyClothes Delicate a LightSoilSetting Blankets Woo Part Wool Cotton CottonsNon Colorfast with5 min soak LightSoilSetting Blankets Synthetic Electric CottonsNon Colorfast with5min soak Curtains ...

Page 7: ...nditioning agentlikeBorateem brand Youmayprefertousea mildtypedetergent Dohand knitgarmentsbyhandor by DELICATE WASH SYSTEM controlsystem Seepage9 ____ Whiteor colorfast liquidchlorinetype Onlynon chlorine bleachwhenneeded Fillwasher add detergent allowtodissolvebeforeaddingblanket Dooneblanket ata time Pretreatheavilysoiledspotswithliquiddetergent Onelectricblanket sewa strongpieceofclothoverplug...

Page 8: ...Thiswillcausethe dispensertoemptytoosoon WhenusingFabricSoftener DispenserwiththeDELICATE WASHSYSTEM useone 1 teaspoon 5ml ofconcentrated softeneror one 1 tablespoon 15ml ofdilutedsoftener Donot use the FabricSoftener DispenserwiththeSoakSetting or APID WASHSetting If therinsedispensergetsclogged soakit ina solutionof 1cupwater and 1CUPalcohol XT A NSE YES SPIN SOAK LIGHT SOIL NORMAL SOIL Selectan...

Page 9: ...LOW o FULL RESET DELICATE WASH SYSTEM PulloutCycleSelectorKnobto startwasher START 9 TheRAPID WASHsettingallows youtousetheDELICATEWASH SYSTEMtowashsmall lightly soiledloadsofclothesthatyou needina hurry Followallthesteps givenaboveexceptforCycie Selection PushtheCycleSelectorKnobin andturnclockwisetoRAPID WASHsetting LIMTES PullCycleSelectorKnobtostart washer Cyclewillbe completed automatically S...

Page 10: ...imately 90 to IIO F orhandcomfortable Ifyou noticethatsoilhasaccumulated afier several consecutive washings useHot Washoccasionally ifsafeforfabrics AlwaysrinseinColdWater The temperature oftherinsedoesnot affectcleaning QTrytowashlessoften Save articlesofthesametypeoffabric untilyouhavea fullload Ifyoumustwashsmallerloads adjusttheamountofwater Small loadsshouldhavelowerwaterlevels Washinoff peak...

Page 11: ...ssarymending rips hems tears Checkallitemsforareasof heavysoilor stain Removestains ForSTAIN REMC VW GUIDE SEEPAGE19 TurnPolyKnitsinside outto minimizefabricsurfacedamage DEN CY LE SpecialModernFabricsCyclefor removable heavyandoilysoiis Seepage5 forinstructionson DENIMCYCLEoperations SoakingandPre treating a goodwaytoloosendeepsoils ands ins Athoroughsoakingwithdetergent or specialsoakingagentisa...

Page 12: ...ntilyouhavea full load If youmustwashsmaller loads savewater energyand detergentbyadjustingthewater levelforthe sizeoftheload See page4 12 e special recommendations a h for washing permanent pres if youdo n ihave a dryer If youaremachine washing PermanentPressclothesthatyou plantolinedryor drip dry use extracaretominimizewrinkling inthewashprocess Becarefulnotto overload washer PermanentPresscloth...

Page 13: ...ell Areexcellentasconcentrates forremovingspots Completely dissolveevenin coldwater Performwellinsoftwater Disadvanbges Arenotavailablensomeareas Generallydonotcleanwellin hardwater Maybedifficulttodissolve especiallyincoldwater Shouldnotbeusedincoldwater Thosecontaining sodium carbonateasaningredient may causeharmfullimestone deposits onclothesandwasherwhen combinedwithhardwater Seepage14 Maynotp...

Page 14: ...sCalgon brandwithphosphate Wd m pmctica maydelayhWOne ti e b cEomw Thefollowing recommendations willtemporarilydelaytheeffects oflimestoneonyourclothes Thesearegenerallygoodwashing practicesandwillgivebettersoil removalwhetherornotyouhave hardwateror usecarbonate detergent Usehotterwashwater for exampleup to 150 F forcottons Thisalsoimprovesoily soil removal If youwashincoolerwaterto saveenergy us...

Page 15: ...shbasketbeforeloadi g clothes If youloadyourclothes first adddetergentnexttothe agitator If yourdetergentdoesn tdissolve well predissolvethedetergentin hotwater thenpourdirectlyinto thewashbasket Reeomendedmountofdetergentfor avemge soti load 1 I WaterUvel Setting I 1 Userecommendedamountof detergentforyourloadandwater Water FULL MEDIUM LOW DELICATE WASH Hardness SYSTEM hardness as shown in guide ...

Page 16: ...ave HARDwater less than10grains andyouusephosphate detergent youalsohavenoproblem But ifyouhavemorethan 10 grains youwillneedto sofienyour waterwitheither 1 Anins ledwatersofienerin yourhome or 2 Theuseofapackagedwater sofiener For information onwater softeners seeguidebelow Addth muchwater Somnertith am water level Grainsof hardness 0 10 10 15 15 20 20 25 25 30 over30 Whenusing Acup 1 2 cup zhcup...

Page 17: ...ay s washablefabricsshouldnotbechlorine bleachedsuchas 100 cottonflame retardant children s sleepwear silk wool mohair spandex leather or non fast colors Dilutebleachbeforeusingonanyfabric 3 CheckManufacturers CareLabelsforspecial instructions 1 Maybeusedonallkindsoffabrics 2 Ismosteffective inhotwater 1 Helpsmakeclothesfluffyandsoft 2 Reducesstaticelectricity 3 Usecarefilly Toomuchmaycausestainin...

Page 18: ...1 4cup 60ml chlorine bleachwithonegallon 3 8liter of coolwater approximately 80 F C in a sinkorpan Soak stainedareafor5 minutesand launderinwasher TheCaseofthe Invisible S in Foodorcookingoilsonyour synthetic garmentsmaycausestains whicharevirtuallyinvisibleand whichyoumaynotnoticeasyou putyourclothesintothewasher If thesestainsarenotcompletely removedinthewash theoilyspots maypickupdirtfromthewas...

Page 19: ...ositepage Softenwithoil lardor Vaseline thenspongewithturpentineor bananaoil Launderinwarmwater Applyundilutedliquiddetergentandlaunderinwarmwater If colorhaschangedyoumaybeabletorestoreitbytreatingwith ammoniaorvinegar Ifanystainremains treatwithsafedry cleaningfiuid or bleachaccording toStainRemoval Hinton oppositepage launderanddry Applyrustremover usingmanufacturer s directions Rinseand launde...

Page 20: ...t Washfeweritemswith correctwaterlevel Toomuchbleach Usecorrectamountofbleachaccordingtopackagedirections eNotenough detergent to hold lint in suspension duringwashcycle Increaseamountof detergent Seepage15 Incorrectuseoffabricsofiener Ifusedinwashcycle sofieners mayreactwith detergenttocreateawhitedeposit Usesoftenersinrinsecycleonlyunlesspackage specifiesaddingtowashcycle UseFabricSofienerDispen...

Page 21: ...use twicetherecommended amountofdetergent Useofsoapinhardwater Switchtoa phosphate detergent or followsixsteps describedabove Washingtoolongmayresultinincreasedsoildeposition Useshorterwashtimesfor smallerloads Detergentdissolves tooslowly Detergentmustbepresentinthewashsolutionatthe startofagitation Seepage15 Torestoregrayedclothes followoneoftheseprocedures 1 Putclothesinwasher FillwithHOTwater ...

Page 22: ...alwaysdilutebeforeaddingtorinsewater DilutesoftenerbeforefillingyourFabric SoftenerDispenser Seepage8 Mso donotliftlidduringspin Thismaycause improperdispensing resultinginstains Toremoves ti dampenstainedareaandrub withundiluted liquiddetergent Re wash usingchlorinebleachif safeforfabric SHNNKAGE SomefabricsWM shrinkwhetherwashedina washerorbyhand othersmaybesafely GENERAL washedbutwillshrinkina ...

Page 23: ...ing ToremoveWritiles Retumbleon gPermanent Press setting Rerinseanddry on PermanentPress setting If unsuccessful retumbleonhighheatfor 10 Uminutesandhangimmediately Ironcarefully Sendtodry cleanersforpressing Somewrinklesmayremainwhichcannotbe removed SNAGS HOLES Pinsongarmentsor sharpobjectslefiinpockets Checktomakesureallsuchobjects TEARS MPS OR are removed Alsocheckwashtub EXCESSIVEWEAR Snaps h...

Page 24: ...atmosphere Thisisinevitableandisnotcaused bywasher SlowprocessbywashingonFabricCareProgramwhichhasa GentleSpin Seepage4 Toolargeloads or toolittlewater Loadwasheronlywithnumberofitemsthatwill movefreely Selectcorrectwaterlevel Pretreatwithliquiddetergent UseDENIMCYCLE Seepage5 o Makesurecordispluggedintooutlet Makesurebothhotandcoldfaucetsareturnedon Makesurecontrolsare setandcycleselectorknobispu...

Page 25: ...sharpdistinctivesoundwillbeheardattheendofeachspinperiodasthemotor stopsandthespinbrakeinsidethetransmission locksint Thissoundis normal Heavilyunbalancedloadscancausethewashertovibrateexcessively duringspin andmaycauseitto movefromitsoriginalposition In extremecases usuallyoccurs whenwashinga single heavyitemor a smallloadwhenwaterlevelissethigherthan necessary thespinbasketmaystriketheouttub cre...

Page 26: ...osesif weatherwillbebelow freezing A Lubricate withgrease or Petroleum Jelly The agititor Remove at regular intervals about 4 to6 months andremoveanylintthatmayhave accumulated No toolsareneeded simplygraspagitatorwithboth handsandpullstraightup sharply Theslottedsectionatthetopofthe metalshafthasalight coatingof lubricanttopreventpartssticking together If thisareaappearstobe dry applyalight coato...

Page 27: ...r a conventionalteletypewriter maycdl 800 TDD GEAC 800 833 4322 LO request service Youcan havethesecurefeelingthat GEConsumerServicewillstillbe thereafteryourRCAproductwar rantyexpires Purchasea GEcontract whileyourwarranty isstillin effect and you llreceivea substantial dis count Witha multiple year contract you re assuredoffutureservice at today s prices Telecommunication Device for the Ded h ti...

Page 28: ...RWCE a leader i nthe service industry tom your serviceneeds Should your appfianceneed service during warranty period or beyond lookin the White or YellowPagesofyour telephone directoryfor GE CONSUMERSERWCE or an authorized RCAAPPLIANCESERVICER mT Is Nm cowmD Servicetrips to your home to teach you how to use the product Read your Use and Carematerial Eyou then have any questions about operating the...
