RCA WRW4400S Operating Instructions Manual Download Page 17

Summary of Contents for WRW4400S

Page 1: ...20 Safety Instructions 3 4 Soak Cvcle 9 Sorting 7 10 Stains 14 Stain Removal Guide 15 Cycle Times 7 Storage and VacationTips 20 Detergents Additives 12 13 User Maintenance Instructions 20 Energy Saving Tips 9 Warranty BackCover Fabric and Cvcle Settings 8 Fabric Softener Dispenser 9 Hard Water 12 I I I I I Models WRW4800S WRW4600S WRW4400S use andcare of qo ur Washer 77 7oyq ...

Page 2: ...resendingin thiscmd pleasewritethese numbershere ModelNumber SerialNumber Usethesenumbersin any correspondence orservice callsconcerningyourwasher All washinginstructiontermsin thisbookconformto the Care LabelingRuleestablishedby the FederalTradeCommission January1984 If YouNeedservice Toobtainservice seethe First contactthe peoplewho FINALLY if yourproblem ConsumerServicespage servicedyourapplian...

Page 3: ...ndem ndandhavetheSMIS tocarryout Donotwashordryarticlesthat havebeencleanedin washedin soakedin orspottedwith combustible orexplosive substances suchaswax paint gasoline degreasers dry cleaning solvents kerosene9 etc whichmay igniteorexplode Donotaddthesesubstances tothewashwater Donotusethesesubstances around yourwasherand or dryerduring operation WA G HYDROGEN GASis produced bythechemical action...

Page 4: ...ourappliances freefromthe accumulation ofcombustible materials suchaslint paper rags chemicals etc 4 Thelaundryprocesscanreduce A i theflameretardancy offabrics Toavoidsucharesult thegarment manufacturer s careinstructions eKeeptheflooraroundyourappliances cleanand drytoreducethepossibility ofslipping 6Tominimize thepossibility ofelectric g shock unplugthisappliance fromtie J powersupplybeforeatte...

Page 5: ... Foruse whenclothesareexcessivelysoiled helpsassurecompletebleachanddetergentremoval Providesan agitatedsoak anda soakwithout whenextradetergentwasusedor whereunusualskin agitation followedby agitationand spin Washer sensitivityto deterge it is a concern mustbe resetfor desiredwashcycle KnitscycIe Supercycle A shortercyclespecially designed for today sknits Forfabricswithheavyor oilysoil Agitation...

Page 6: ... ms w sm Featuresandappearancesmayvaryslightly WA lN To reducetheriskoffire eIectricshock orinjuryto personswhenusingyour appIiance readthe PORTANT SAVETY STRUCTIONS beforeoperatingthisappliance WRW4800S WRW4600S WRW4400S 6 ...

Page 7: ...SeeBleachandFabricSofiener Dispensersections andamountof soil accordingto instructionsin How for instructions intheiruses onmodelssoequipped to SortClothessection o For O atiOn On how to use bleaches d fabric eAddmeasuredamountof detergent SeeDetergents softeners seeOtherLaundryProductssection sectionforinformationondetergentsandother sClosethelid Washerwillfillbut notagitateor spin laundryadditiv...

Page 8: ...hmaybe absorbed by othergarments Odordisappearswhengarmentis dry Treatheavilysoiled areaswithliquiddetergentor a pastemadeof waterandpowdereddetergent Closezippers Wash2 or 3 garmentsat a timeor addtowelsto balance GARMENThfUSTBETUMBLEDRIED Pillowsare madeof differentmaterials dacron foam polyester naturalfeather anddown MANUFACTURER S CARELABELSMUSTBEFOLLOWED CAREFULLY If washingis recommended ch...

Page 9: ...hes soakingagent Thenpushin the CycleSelectorknob to stopthewasher keeplid closed andallowto soak foras longasdesired Afterdesiredsoakperiod pull outtheCycleSelectorknobto completethe cycle QW 0 S U O Oa YC onmodelssoequipped k the AutoSoakcyclethe washerfills agitatesand ExtraCleaningwithAutoSoak Setthe Cycle it soaksfor the timeyou selected It automatically Selectorknobfor soaktimedesiredin Exka...

Page 10: ...ooksandbuttons Do anynecessarymending rips hems tears Checkall itemsfor areasof heavy soilor stain Removestains See Stain RemovalGuide Turnpolyknitsinside outto ininimizefabricsurfacedamage EXTM CLEANING SeeTipsto HelpYouSelect Settingssectionforinstructions See StainRemovalGuide SeeFabricandCycle Settingsguide SeeTheProblemSolversection Soakingandhtreating a good wayto loosendeepsoihandstains A t...

Page 11: ...ER Tryto mixlargeandsmallitems in eachmachineloadforbetter washingaction oWashlargeitems blankets bed spreads mattresspads etc separately sIf machineis overloaded you mayexperienceoversudsingor outof balanceconditions a TO AddItemsAftertheWasherHas tirted Turnoffthewasherby pushingin the Cycle NOTE Whenwashingstockings pantyhoseand Selectorknob othereasilytangleditems alwayshandleseparately Addany...

Page 12: ... adddetergentto the washbasketbeforeloading clothes If youloadyourclothes first adddetergentnextto the agitator Beforeyoucan decidewhatto do abouthard water youneedto knowif youhaveit and if so howhardit is If youlivein a municipalarea contactyour watercompany eIf youlivein a ruralarea or in somesuburbanareas contactyourcountyagent Theanswerwillbe youhave somanygrains per gallon 3 8liters Thismean...

Page 13: ... Donotpour undilutedliquidchlorinebleachdirectlyintowasher orondryclothes 2 Someoftoday swashablefabricsshouldnotbechlorine bleachedsuchas silk wool spandex ornon fastcolors 3 Checkmanufacturers carelabelsforspecialinstructions 1 Maybe usedon mostfabrics Testfabricfirst 1 Helpsmakeclothesfluffyandsoft 2 Reducesstaticelectricity 3 Usethefollowingmanufacturer s direction Toomuch maycausea hard rough...

Page 14: ...ebleachwithonegallon 3 8liters of cool water approximately 80 F 27 C ina sinkor pan Soakstainedarea for5 minutesandlaunderinwasher TheCaseofthe661nvisible99 Stain Foodor cookingoilsonyoursyntheticgarments Iftiese stainsarenotcompletely removedin thewash maycausestainswhicharevirtuallyinvisibleand theoilyspotsmaypickupdirtfromthewashwater whichyoumaynotnoticeasyouputyourclothes Thentheywillbecomeve...

Page 15: ...Soakstainincoolwater If stainremains bleachaccordingto theStainRemovalHint launder Sponge withwarmwater Bleachremaining stainwithnon ctiorine bleach Applyundiluted liquiddetergent Launder Treatmildewspots whiletheyarefresh beforemoldhasachancetoweakenfabric Ifeithertypestainremains bleachaccording totheStainRemoval Hint launder Severescorchcannotberemoved Grass Foliage Flowers Mildew Scorch Sponge...

Page 16: ...e specifiesaddingto washcycle SeeOtherLaundryProductssection ePillingusuallyon polyester cotton blendsis causedby normalwearandmaylook likelint Turningclothesinside outmayprovidesomehelp eStaticelectricitycausedby overdryingwillcauseattraction Usefabricsoftenerin e rinsecycle Theseare sometimescalled Invisible Stains becauseyoumaynotnoticethembefore washingclothes However if oilysoilsare notcomple...

Page 17: ...rpillowcase If theyarewhiteandcenteris yellow it containsbodyoil Restorewhitenessfollowingproceduresin GrayedClothes above Chlotinebleachmayyellowsomefabricswithresin nishes Useoxygenbleach such asClorox2 brand Referto garmenttianufactier s careinstructions Restorecolor usingcolorremover suchasRitorTintexbrands followingpackagedirections Ironor manganesein watermaycauseoverallyellowingor yellowspo...

Page 18: ...er Permanentpressloadsshouldalwaysbe smallerthan mgula r loads i no morethanmediumloadsto giveclothesroomto movefreely Jn rr tw asti d drycycles UsePermanentPressWashcyclewhichprovides CWldpWn dnse to minifize wtinkling AlsousePermanentPressDrycycle lnco q watefleYel US largerwaterlevelformediumload mediumlevelfor sm lluad R e atedw hing in t60hotwater Washin coldor warmwaterwithplentyof Ratwbl ot...

Page 19: ...arelabels Garmentsweakenedby age sunor atmosphere Thisis inevitableandis not caused by washer Overloadingorunderloadingfor selectedwaterlevel Loadwasheronlywithnumber of itemsthatwillmovefreely Selectcorrectwaterlevel Pretreatwithliquiddetergent SeeOtherLaundryProductssection o 1 Makesurecordis pluggedintooutlet Makesurebothhot andcoldfaucetsareturnedon s MakesurecontrolsaresetandCycleSelectorknob...

Page 20: ... washbasket ClosetheEdandrestart Washernormallypausesbetweenwashingsteps suchas betweenwashandspinor betweenspinandrinse cAm m c EANmG USERMAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS The b Theporcelainis self cleaning Leavelid ToStoreWasher Askservicetechnicianto remove openafterwashingto allowmoistureto evaporate waterfromdrainpumpandhosestopreventfreezing Do not useharshor grittycleansers Do not storethe washerwhe...

Page 21: ...ou can have the secure feeling that GE Consumer Service will still be there after your RCA product warranty expires Purchase a GE contract while your warranty is still in effect and you ll receive a substantial discount With a multiple year contract you re assured of future service at today s prices htividuds qufified to service their ow appliances User maintenmce titructions contained b this booH...

Page 22: ...yond call 800 GE CARES 800 432 2737 completely reconditionedtransmission Youpay for the shop reconditioninglabor the service trip to your home and servicelabor charges WHAT Is NOT COVERED Service trips to your home to teachyou how to Replacementof house fuses or resettingof circuit use the product breakers Read your Use andCarematerial Ifyou then have any questions about operating the product Fail...
