RCA WRW3505R Use And Care Manual Download Page 20

Summary of Contents for WRW3505R

Page 1: ...er Services 23 Controls Setting Guide 6 7 Stains 16 Stain Removal Guide 17 Cycle Settings 5 Storage and VacationTips 22 User MaintenanceInstructions 22 Detergents Other Additives11 15 Energy Saving Tips 10 Warranw BackCover Fabric Softener Dispenser 8 Hard Water 14 Limestone Deposits 12 Loading the Washer 4 10 1Model and Serial Numbers 2 Operating Instructions 4 8 UseandCare of four Wash r ...

Page 2: ...usegasohe orother hediately cm yourgassupplier froma flmab e vaprs andtiqti h theticitity neighborsphone FoUow thegassupptier9s oft s oranyotherapptiance instructions wmT To Do m You sm GAS Myou emot reachyourgassupplier9 d thefie depa ent DonottrytOtight any app ianceo Donottouchanyelmtricdswitch donot htilation md servicemustbepetiomed me my phoneinyou b tig bya qu aed imtiler9serviceagencyor th...

Page 3: ...tingsolvents kerosene etc whichnlay i te orexplode Donotaddthesesubstances tothewashwater Donotusethesesubs nces aroundyourwasherantiordryerduring operation TVAM HDROGEN GASis produced bythechedcal action withinyourwaterheaterandthegas canaccumulate inthewaterheaterandor water pipesHhotwaterhasnotbeenusedfora period oftwoweeksorlonger WDROGENGASCAN BEEXPLOSNEUNDERT SE C CUMSTANCES Sotopreventthe p...

Page 4: ...ce fromthe shouldbefollowed verycarefully powersupply before attempting any maintenance orcleaning NOTE TurningtheCycleSelector 0 W s O e tiO knobto an OFFpositiondoesNOT oDo notleavewasher lidupduring cycle disconnectthe appliancefromthe This willstopthewashandspinaction and powersupply preventcompletionqf the cycle tamper with controls SAW WE NsmucmoNs 1 How TO OPEmTE Yomc o ms wAsmR e WAW To re...

Page 5: ...tion andsoakprovideseffective polyesterknitslaundering Anearlyandlongsprayrinse coolsdownfabricsbefore thewasherreachesmaximum spinspeedtohelpprevent wrinklesetting Permanent PressCycle Forloadsof syntheticand pr delicatefabrics A coldwater cooldownhelpsprevent set inwrinklesin permanent pressshirts blouses dresses andsimilarapparelwith normalsoil soak cycle Clothesactivatein a soaking agentfor a ...

Page 6: ...ne washingisrecommended Gentle Slow Mediumor LightSetting dependingon amountof soil BabyClothes Sturdy suchas Diapers Nightgowns Shirts Pads Sheets ReceivingBlankets Coveralls Normal Fast Hot RegularCycles Gentle Slow DelicateCycle BabyClothes Delicate warm Setat Statt LightSetting Blankets Wool Part Wool Cotton 5 min soakthen Normal Fast warm RegularCycles warm RegularCycles Blankets Synthetic El...

Page 7: ...elstobalance Gi4RMENT MUSTBETUMBLEDRIED Youmayprefertousea mildtypedetergent Dobabyclothesseparately Pretreatspots Rinsediapers nightgowns padsandsheetsafteruse Keepdiapersina coveredpailof cold waterandconditioning agentlikeBorateembrand Youmayprefertousea mildtypedetergent Dohand knit garmentsbyhand Fillwasher adddetergent andallowtodissolvebeforeaddingblanket Dooneblanketata time Pretreatheavil...

Page 8: ...pthe washerduringthefirstspin Thiswillcausethedispenserto emptytoo soon oDo notusetheFabricSoftenerDispenserwiththe SoakCycle eIfthedispensergetsclogged soakit ina solutionof 1cup 240ml waterand1cup 240ml alcohol Addenoughwaterto fillthe cup 1 2full Pourthedilutedsoftenerintothedispenser eThefabricsoftenerwillautomaticallybe dispensed at the propertime HowtoUse the SoakCycIe SOAKCYCLEtemperature w...

Page 9: ...tcuffs zipzippers snapsnaps hooks andbuttons Do anynecessaryrnending rips hems tears Checkall itemsfor areasof heavysoilor stain Removestains SeeStain RemovalGuide Turnpolyknitsinside outto minimizefabricsurfacedamage Soakingand Pretreating a goodwayto loosendeepsoils and stains A thoroughsoakingwithdetergent or specialsoakingagentis another waytoremoveheavysoils embeddeddirtandevensomestains Soak...

Page 10: ...lanto linedryordrip dry useextracareto load Usea MediumWaterLevelfora SmallLoad minimizewrinklingin thewashprocess a FullWaterLevelfor a MediumLoad Be caiieful notto overloadwasher PermanentPress eRemoveclothespromptlyas soonas washerstops clothesmusthaveampleroomto movefreely A andhangimmediately MediumsizePermanentPressloadis the largestthat shouldbe washed If yourclothesandhouseholditems don tl...

Page 11: ...lendswell Areexcellentas concentrates forremovingspots Completelydissolveevenin coldwater Performwellin softwater Disadvantages Arenot availablein someareas Generallydo notcleanwellin hard water Maybe difficultto dissolve especiallyin coldwater Shouldnot be usedin coldwater Thosecontainingsodium carbonateas an ingredientmay causeharmfullimestonedeposits on clothesandwasherwhen combinedwithhardwate...

Page 12: ...ignificantly Increasedservicecallsbecauseof limestonedeposits reducelimestonebuildup in thepump recirculationwaterhoses filtersand eUsea packagednon precipitating watersoftener otherwasherparts suchasCalgonbrandwithphosphate eReducedusefullifeof washer GoodWashing Practices MayDelayLimestone Damageto CIothes fie followingrecommendations willtemporarily delay o Increaseamountofdetergent Seeguideono...

Page 13: ...ent brand andfollowinstructions on package Usingtoolittle detergentis a commoncause of laundry problems Always measuredetergent in a standardmeasuringcup Howto usedetergent granularor powdered Forbestresults adddetergent to the washbasketbeforeloading clothes If youloadyourclothes first adddetergentnextto the agitator If yourdetergentdoesn tdissolve well predissolvethedetergentin hotwater thenpour...

Page 14: ...tas youpreferandforget all abouthardwater If youhaveHARDwater less than 10grains andyouusephosphatedetergent you alsohaveno problem But if youhavemorethan 10grains youwillneed to softenyourwaterwitheither 1 An installedwatersoftenerin yourhome or 2 Theuseof a packagedwatersofiener Foritiormationon watersofteners seethe guidebelow AddThisMuchwater softener tith a Fdl water Level Grainsof hardness I...

Page 15: ... Someof today swashablefabricsshouldnotbe chlorine bleachedsuchas 100 cottonflame retardant children s sleepwear silk wool mohair spandex leather or non fast colors Dilutebleachbeforeusingon anyfabric 3 CheckManufacturers CareLabelsforspecial instructions 1 Maybe usedonallkindsof fabrics 2 Is mosteffectivein hotwater 1 Helpsmakeclothesfluffyandsoft 2 Reducesstaticelectricity 3 Usecarefully Toomuch...

Page 16: ...orinebleachwithonegallon 3 8liters of cool water approximately 80 F 27 C in a sinkor pan Soakstainedarea for5 minutesandlaunderin washer Thecase ofthe Invisible stain Foodorcookingoilsonyoursyntheticgarments If thesestainsarenotcompletelyremovedin thewash maycausestainswhicharevirtuallyinvisibleand theoilyspotsmaypickup dirtfromthewashwater whichyoumaynotnoticeasyouputyourclothes Thentheywillbecom...

Page 17: ...age launder Sponge withwarmwater Bleach remaining stainwithnon chlorine bleach Sponge withwarmwater Applyundiluted liquiddetergent Bleachremaining stain withnon chlorine bleach thenlaunder Oldmildewstainscanseldombe removed Scorchcanseldom beremoved Grass Foliage Flowers Mildew Scorch Applyundiluted liquiddetergent Launder Treatmildewspots whiletheyarefresh beforemoldhasachancetoweakenfabric Ifeit...

Page 18: ... specifiesaddingto washcycle SeeOtherLaundryProductssection Pillingusuallyon polyester cotton blendsis causedby normalwearand naylooklike lint Turningclothesinside outmayprovidesomehelp Staticelectricitycausedby overdryingwillcauseattraction Usefabricsoftenerin rinsecycle Theseare sometimescalled Invisible Stains becauseyoumaynotnoticethembefore washingclothes However if oilysoilsarenotcompletelyr...

Page 19: ...tainsbody oil Restorewhitenessfollowingproceduresin GRAYEDCLOTHES above eChlorinebleachmayyellowsomefabricswithresinfinishes Useoxygenbleach such as Clorox2 brand Referto GarmentManufacturer s CareInstructions Restorecolor usingcolorremover suchasRitorTintexbrands followingpackagedirections Ironor manganesein watermaycauseoverallyellowingor yellowspots 1 2 3 4 Useextradetergentplusanon precipitati...

Page 20: ...loadsshouldalwaysbe smallerthan regularloads nomorethanmediumloadsto giveclothesroomto movefreely Incorrectwashanddry cycles UsePermanentPressWashcyclewhichprovidesa cooldownrinsetominimizewrinkling AlsousePermanentPressDry cycle Incorrectwaterlevel UseHighWaterLevelforMediumLoad MediumLevelfor SmallLoad Repeatedwashingin toohot water Washin coldor warmwaterwithplentyof detergent Accumulationof li...

Page 21: ...ry Maybe causedby theuseof RegularCyclesfor delicatearticles UsePermanent PressCycle Referto GarmentManufacturer s CareLabels Garmentsweakenedby age sunor atmosphere Thisis inevitableandis not caused by washer Toolargeloads or too littlewater Loadwasheronlywithnumberof itemsthatwill movefreely Selectcorrectwaterlevel Pretreatwithliquiddetergent Makesurecordis pluggedintooutlet Makesurebothhot andc...

Page 22: ... Close thelid andrestart Washernormallypausesbetweenwashingsteps such asbetweenwashandspinor betweenspinmd rinse USERMAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS The b Theporcelainis self cleaning Leavelid ToStoreWasher Ask servicetechnicianto remove openafterwashingto allowmoistureto evaporate waterfromdrainpumpandhosesto preventfreezing Do notuseharshor grittycleansers Do notstorethe washerwhereit willbe exposed Th...

Page 23: ...etypewriter maycall 800 TDD GEAC 60 833 4322j to requestservice You can havethesecurefeelingthat GEConsumerService willstillbe thereafteryourRCAproductwar rantyexpires PurchaseaGEcontract whileyourwarranty isstillin effect andyou ll receive a substantial dis count Witha multiple year contict you re assuredoffutureserviceat today s prices el comm nieation evice fortieDeaf 8f10 626 2002 Individ qu f...

Page 24: ...d GECONSUMERSERWCE a leader in the service industry to fu your serviceneeds Should your appliance need service during warranty period or beyond call800 GE CARES 800 432 2737 Wm Is NOT COVERED Servicetrips to your home to teach you how to use the product Read yourUse and Carematerial If you then have any questions about operating the product please contact your dealer or Manager Consumer Affairs RC...
