RCA WRW1505MAL Use And Care Manual Download Page 3

Summary of Contents for WRW1505MAL

Page 1: ...SafetyInstructions 3 4 Sorting Clothes 9 Stains 16 Stain RemovalGuide v CycleSettings 5 Detergents Other Additives 11 15 User Maintenance Instru ions 22 Warrantv BackCover Energy SavingTips 8 Hard Water 14 Limestone Deposits 12 10 Model and SerialNumbers 2 Moving VacationTips 23 O eratinE the Washer 4 5 Pre Treating 7 9 Model WRW E05M L ...

Page 2: ...e checlctheProblemSolveron pages18 22 It listscausesof minoroperatingproblemsthat youcancorrectyourself FORYOUR SAFETY FORYOUR SAEW Donot Stemor use gasoline or other flammable Vapom and liquids in thewicinity of this or any other appliance Allvmshinginstructiontermsin thisbookconformtothe Car Labeling Ruleestablishedbythe FederalTradeCommission January1984 di 2 Toobtainservice seethe ConsumerServ...

Page 3: ...m position thenwaitUntil the machine has completely stopped before opening the lid 3 closesupervision isnwwsa ifttis appliance kmedbyornar etildren Donotallow ctiltien toplay imide onorwitht appliance orany c8rded appliance D pose oftimrded appliances andshipping or pattingmateri pro rly Before tismding awasher9or removhg from service remove thewasher lid K P w laundry aids such as dete ents blmch...

Page 4: ...c type weight colorandamountOf soilaccordingtoinstructionson page9 Addmeasureddetergenttowash basket Seepages11through15for informationondetergentsand otherlaundryadditives Loadclothesintothewashbasket beingcarefulnottooverload See page10forloadinginformation set thecontrols SeetheControlsSettingGuideon pages6 and 7 0 Select Vash Wnse Temperature o SelectWaterLevel LOW Washerislessthan fullof clot...

Page 5: ...withmostsoakingaidsto loosenembeddedsoilsandstains REGULAR LI WhatHappm in WchSetting ApprofimakMinutes Cycle Seleetor Heavy Normal Light Settings Soil Soil Soil wash 18 14 6 Spin 3 3 3 W Rinse 3 3 31 Spin 7 7 7 Total rime 34 30 22 Soak Permanent Press Knits Delicates lo 3 2 zfi N ES Totaltimeincludespausesbetween eachphaseofthecycle Totaltimesdonotincludewaterfilltimes Filltimesvarydepending onho...

Page 6: ...hine washingisrecommended Permanent Press Warm Hot BabyClothes Sturdy suchas Diapers Nightgowns Shirts Pads Sheets ReceivingBlankets Coveralls BabyClothes Delicate Blankets Wool Piirt Wocl Cotton NormalSoilor LightSoildepending onamountofsoil Knits Delicates Warm Warm LightSoil Blankets Synthetic Electric Warm LightSoil PermanentPress Curtains DO NOTMACHINE WASHFIBERGLASS Hotor Warm HotorWarm Hoto...

Page 7: ...ce GARMENTMUSTBETUMBLEDRIED Youmayprefertousea mildtypedetergent Dobabyclothesseparately Pretreatspots Rinsediapers nightgowns padsandsheetsafteruse Keepdiapersinacoveredpailofcold waterandconditioning agentlikeBorateembrand Youmayprefertousea mildtypedetergent Dohand knitgarmentsbyhand Fillwasher adddetergent allowtodissolvebeforeaddingblanket Dooneblanketatatime Pretreatheavilysoiledspotswithliq...

Page 8: ...after washing youwillprobablyre wash them and thatmeansyou llwaste energy Remember tosortyour clothescarefuily andloadthem properly selectcorrectcycles use enoughdetergentandchoosea vater temperature warmenoughto releaseandgetridofsoil s UseHotWash up to 150 F on a regularbasisonlywhenwashing heavilysoiledarticles such as workandplayclothes QUndernormalsoilconditions washinwaterabove80 F C Thisgen...

Page 9: ...S 6 and 70 9 It paystocheckandprepare clothesforwashing o Emptypockets brushoutcuffs zipzippers snapsnaps hooks andbuttons Doanynecessarymending rips hems tears Checkallitemsforareasofheavy soilor stain Removestains ForSTAIN MMOVALGUIDE SEEPAGE17 TurnPolyKnitsinside outto minimizefabricsurfacedamage Soakingand e trmting a goodwayto loosendeepsoils andstains A thoroughsoakingwithdetergent or specia...

Page 10: ...s If youcanit isbetterto saveclothesuntilyouhavea full load If youmustwashsmaller loads savewater energyand detergentbyadjustingthewater levelforthesizeoftheload See page4 special recommendations forwashing rmanent press ifyoudo not have a d er If youaremachine washing PermanentPressclothesthatyou plantolinedryordrip dry use extracaretominimizewrin ing inthewashprocess Becarefulnottooverload washe...

Page 11: ...ndfabric blendswell Areexcellent asconcentrates forremovingspots Completely dissolveevenin coldwater Performwellinsoftwater Arenotavailable insomeareas Generallydonotcleanwellin hardwater Maybedifficulttodissolve especiallyincoldwater Shouldnotbeusedincoldwater Thosecontaining sodium carbonateasaningredient may causeharmfullimestone deposits onclothesandwasherwhen combinedwithhardwater Seepage12 M...

Page 12: ...ate w Wasm pmdice5 maydelay h ne e b Clotiw Thefollowingrecommendations willtemporarilydelaytheeffects oflimestoneonyourclothes Thesearegenerallygoodwashing practicesandwillgivebettersoil removalwhetheror notyouhave hardwateror usecarbonate detergent Usehotterwashwater for exampleupto UO F forcottons Thisalsoimprovesoily soil removal If youwashincoolerwaterto saveenergy usemoredetergentto promoteb...

Page 13: ...ofdetergent 5 Washtemperature use moredete ent H youhave 1 2 3 4 5 Hardwater Largeloads Gre syor oilysoils Usingtoolittledetergentis Lowerwashtemperature a commoncauseoflaundry Lowphosphatedetergent problems Alwaysmeasure detergentina standard measuringcup Howtouse detergent granular or powdered Forbestresults adddetergentto thewashbasketbeforeloading clothes If youloadyourclothes first adddeterge...

Page 14: ...uhave HARDwater less than10grains andyouusephosphatedetergent youalsohavenoproblem But ifyouhavemorethan 10 grains youwillneedtosoftenyour waterwitheither 1 Aninstalledwatersoftenerin yourhome or 2 Theuseofa packagedwater softener Forinformationonwater softeners seeguidebe ow Addtm muchWawr SOmner tith aM Watir level Grainsof 0 10 10 15 15 20 20 25 25 30 hardness over30 Whenusing A cup o 2 cup 2 c...

Page 15: ...ous disease viruses SeeunderBleachabove WI ATER SOmEI dER Non precipitating Followpackagedirections Suspends hardnessmineralsinsolution keeping suchasCalgonbrand Addatstartofwashcycle waterclear Precipitating suchas Followpackagedirections Combineswithwaterhardnessmineralstoformprecipitate Boraxbrand Uscwithdetergentor soapinwashcycle whichgivescloudyor milkyappearance towater SOAKAGENT SuchasBizb...

Page 16: ...inwasher The Caseofthe Invisible S in Foodor cookingoilsonyour syntheticgarmentsmaycausestains whicharevirtuallyinvisibieand whichyoumaynotnoticeasyou putyourclothesintothewasher If thesestainsarenotcompletely removedinthewash theoilyspots maypickupdirt fromthewash water Thentheywillbecomevery visibleandyoumaythinktheywere causedbythewashcycleitself Once thesespotsbecomevisible howcanyouremovethem...

Page 17: ...intonoppositepage launder Spongewithwarmwater Bleachremaining stainwithnon chlorine bleach Spongewithwarmwater Applyundiluted liquid dete ent Bleachremaining stain withnon chlorine bleach thenlaunder Oldmildewstainscanse domberemoved Scorchcanseldomberemoved Sameas whiteandbleachablefibrics exceptlaunderusingnon chlorine bleach Applyundilutedliquiddetergent Launder Treatmildewspots whiletheyarefre...

Page 18: ...rsmayreactwith detergenttocreateawhitedeposit Usesoftenersinrinsecycleonlyunlesspackage specifiesaddingtowashcycle Seepage15 pillingusuallyonpoly stel cc ttonblends is caused by normalwearandmay100klike lint rning clothesinside outmayprovidesomehelp s tic electricity caused by Overdying will cause attraction Usefabricsoftenerin rinsecycle Thesearesometimescalled InvisibleStains becauseyoumaynotnot...

Page 19: ... hemofT shirtor pillowcase If theyarewhiteandcenterisyellow it containsbody oil Restorewhitenessfollowing procedureson GrayedClothes above Chlorinebleachmayyellowsomefabricswithresinfinishes Usenon ctiorinebleach suchasClorox2 brand RefertoGarmentManufacturers CareInstructions Restore colorusingcolorremover suchasMt or Tintexbrands followpackagedirections Ironor manganeseinwatermaycauseoverallye o...

Page 20: ...besmallerthan regularloads nomoreban mediumloadstogiveclothesroomtomovefreely Incorrectwashanddrycycles UsePermanentPressWashcyclewhichprovidesa cooldownrinsetominimizewrintiing AlsousePermanentPress Drycycle Incorrectwaterlevel UseHighWaterLevelforMediumLoad MediumLevelfor SmallLoad Repeatedwashingin waterwhichis toohot Washincoldor warmwaterusingplenty ofdetergent Accumulation oflimescaleduetous...

Page 21: ......

Page 22: ...se e CareandCleaning USERWINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS The tub Theporcelainis self cleaning Leavelidopenafter washingtoallowmoist ire to evaporate Do notuseharshor grittycleansers The exterior Wipeoffanyspillsof washingcompounds Wipeor dust withdampcloth Trynottohit surfacewithsharpobjects Tostore washer Askservicetechniciantoremove waterfromdrainpumpandhoses topreventfreezing Do notstorethewdsherwherei...

Page 23: ...hesecurefeelingthat GEConsumerServicewillstillbe thereafkr yourRM productwar mty expires Purchasea GEcontract whtieyourwarranty issdllin effect and you llreceivea substantial di count Witha multiple year contrac you reassuredof fiture serviceat today sprices Telecommimtion D ce fortie Deti h vid qu ed to setice theh own appliancescanhaveneeded partsor accessories sentdirectlyto theirhome free of s...

Page 24: ...have designated GE CONSUMERSERVICE a leader in the service indus to your serviceneeds Should your appliance need service during warranty period or beyond lookin the White or YellowPagesofyour telephone directoryfor GE CONSUMERSERVICE or an authotied RCAAPPLkWCE SERWCER Servicetrips to your home to teach you how to use the product ReadyourUse and Carematerial Eyou then have any questions about oper...
