Setting up
Select your Country and enter your ZIP
or Postal code.
The next series of screens asks you
about your cable TV setup. If you have
a cable box, you need to set the
GUIDE Plus+ Gold System to control it.
Otherwise, it may not be able to
locate and download program
Tune your cable box to Channel 2 and
then select the brand of your cable
box from the choices available. The
system then searches for the correct
code to control your cable box. When
your cable box switches to channel 9 it
has located the correct code.
Select Yes if the cable box changed to channel 9, or No if it did not. If you select No, the system will try another code.
If the GUIDE Plus+ system cannot recognize either your cable box or VCR after several tries, a screen stating “Cable Box
(VCR) test failed...Please consult your manual and try again” appears. You have a choice to either
Try Again
Cable Box Setup
. If you get this message, you should also:
Double check the brand of your cable box or VCR, and try entering it again.
Check to make sure the G-LINK cable wand is positioned correctly.
If you choose to skip the cable box (or VCR) setup some features of the guide may not be available until you successfully
complete this procedure.