Page 1: ...t 13 Energy SavingTips 9 Knit Drvin Tips Lint Ftiter 5 9 13 5 9 Model and Serial lNumbers 2 OReratin the Drver 5 Perm Press Drying ps 5 Z11 12 Problem Solver 1o 12 Repair Service 15 Safetv Instructions 3 4 Sorting 5 8 Storing Drver User Maintenance Instructions B Warrantv BackCover ...
Page 2: ...yerbehindthedoor Thesenumbersarealsoonthe ConsumerProductOwnership Registration Cardthatcamewith yourdryer Beforesendinginthis card pleasewritethesenumbers here ModelNumber Serial Number Usethesenumbersinany correspondence or servicecalls concerningyourdryer save the and money Beforeyourequest service checktheProblemSolveron pages10 12 It listscausesof minoroperatingproblemsthat youcancorrectyours...
Page 3: ...bber materials whenheated m under certaincircums ncu produce fiie byspontaneo cornbmtion Garmentslabeled DryAway FromHeat suchaslifejackets containing Kapok mustnotbeput inyourdryer Donot washor dryarticles tht havebeenc med in9washed in soakedin orspottedwith combustible orqlosive substancw suchasgasotine degreasers cleaningsozvents kerosenqeh whichmaygiveoffvaporsthat codd igniteorqiod h notm or...
Page 4: ...anymaintenance or cleaning excepttheremovaland cleaningofthelintfilter N E rning theCycleSelectorknob to anOFFpositiondoesN disconnecttheappliancefrom thepowersupply Donotoperatethisappliance ifit is damaged malfunctioning partiallydisassembled or has missingorbrokenparts including a damagedcordor plug Dryer applied fabric Serviceor performanceproblems causedbytheuseoftheseproducts aretheresponsib...
Page 5: ...dry Resetcontrolsforthe remainingheavierfabrics setthe Controko Seetie ControlsSettingGuideon pages6 and7 0 rn CycleSelectortodesired cyclesetting Theselectormaybe turnedineitherdireztion WshSTARTswitchtostart dryer Openingthedoorduring operationstopsthedryer To restart closethedoorandpushthe STARTswitch DON OVERLOAD Garmentsbeingdriedor dewrintiedshouldtumblefreely WMOVE CL HES PROM LY To helppre...
Page 6: ...ingsizesheets blanketsor spreads sleeping bags insulated jacketsor suits mattmsscovers pads quiltedbedspreads Pillows Feather andPolyest r filled ifmanufacturer recommends theybe driedina dryer SeeSpecialInstructions Dryingmme 45minutesforaverage weight loads 55minutes forworkclothesandthickknittedcottons 13amp Dryfor ironing 20minutes l ightweight cottons 25minutes medium weight 30minutes heavy c...
Page 7: ...lint Remove andrestartdryer a mble dryonNoHeat Fluffsettingasheatmaycausealterationinshape colorandappearanceofsucharticles Stopdryerperiodicallyandcheckfilterforexcesslint Removeandrestartdryer pecialprecaulions mustbetakentodryextralargeitems Setdryerfor20minutesthencheckcarefilly Set 15minutesforswondsetting check again and5 minutesforeachadditionalsetting Makesurethatarticledoesnotfilldrum Man...
Page 8: ...efibersand nappedfabricslikevelveteenand corduroy attract lint ndmustbe driedseparately sort by fabric Separa from from from In additionto sortingto reducelint collection it isrecommended that fabricsofsimilarconstructionbe driedtogetherwheneverpossible 8 Separate w from from w from w Soti bywei t Separate from w Forinformationon tumbledrying extra largeitemsanddifferent fabricsandloads seepages6 ...
Page 9: Filter Foradditionalinformationonlint filter seepage13 s Enewy savi mps Sort clothesbyweightsoyouwon t Tohelppreventironing remove Cleandryerlintfiltereachtime haveto runanextracycleforoneor garmentspromptlyatendofdrying YOU dry twoheavier slower drying items cycleandplaceonhangers Seepage8 Cleandryerexhaustducting Dry yourclothesin consecutive occasionally A partiallyclogged Donotoverloaddrye...
Page 10: ...dryerisductedin accordancewithInstallation Instructions Obstructionin exhaustducting Makesureductingiscleanandfreeofobstruction makesuredamperin outsidewallcapoperateseasily If flexibleductingisused be sureit is notkinkedad isproperlyinstaHed accordingto Installationhtructions Blownfusesor trippedcircuitbreakers Checkhouseholdfusesor circuitbreakers Mostelectricdryersusetwo It ispossibleforonetobe...
Page 11: ...nginasshortatimeaspossible s ving clothesindryera r mblingstops Remove clothespromptly d hang themimmediately Toomanyi msin cr D onlyonewasherloadatatime Donotcombineloads e Too fewitemsindryer f g ody one article add two or more similar articles even ifdry toinsurepropertumbling e p o r loads Avoid la de ng heavy Pemanent Press items such as workclothes withlighterPermanentPressitems suchasshirts...
Page 12: ... inimizwwtig 1 2 3 4 5 Retumblefor45minutes Rerinseanddryfor45minutes Ironcarefully Sendtodrycleanersforpressing Somewrities mayremainwtich cannotberemuvedf Ifyoufollowgoodlaundrypr ed res ad fianent Press CIOtheS SWCO C outwrintied thefinishmaynotbegoodquality Also inpermanentpresssyntietic cottonblends thecottonportionoftie fabriccaneventually wearawayleavingonlythe synthetic Sinceit sthecottonp...
Page 13: ...d cleanlintfilter Donotstoredryerwhereit willbe exposedtotheweather CAUTIONS Whenconverting dryerto240 volt operationfrom 120 volt lintfilter andductworkmustbethoroughly cleaned Thensetdialfor lS minute operationandrundryerwithout clothesuntilit shutsoff Beforehavingyourelectricdryer connwtedinyournewresidence be sureyourlicensedelectrician confirmsthatthesupplyvoltage matchesthevoltagespecifiedon...
Page 14: ... stepstofollowforfurtherhelp F ST contactthepeoplewho servicedyourappliance Explain whyyouarenotpleased In most cases thiswillsolvetheproblem NEXT ifyouarestillnotpleased writeallthedetails including yourphonenumber to ConsumerRelations AppliancePark Louisville KY40225 FINALLY ifyourproblemis still notresolved write MajorAppliance ConsumerActionPanel 20NorthWackerDrive Chicago Illinois60606 ...
Page 15: ...uthorized RCAAPPLN SERVICER WT Is Nm cowmD Servicetripstoyourhometoteachyouhow tousetheproduct ReadyourUseandCarematerial E youthenhave anyquestionsaboutoperating theproduct please contactyourdealerorour NationalServiceManager RCAApphanceCorporation Ro Box119 LaFayette Georgia30728 Impropertitillation Ifyouhaveaninstallation problem contactyour dealerorinstaller Youareresponsible forproviding adeq...