Tip: RDS stations broadcast on
FM only. When the tuner
detects an RDS signal, the
RDS icons turns on.
Tip: You can search for stations using one
of the following program types: R D S
N E W S (news), AFFAIRS ( current affairs),
I N F O (weather, medical), SPORT (sports), E D U-
CATE (education), D R A M A (series and plays), CULTURE
(religion), SCIENCE(science and technology), VARIED
(miscellaneous), POP M (pop music), ROCK M (rock
music), M O R M (middle-of-the road music), L I G H T M
(light music), CLASSICS (classical music), O T H E R M
(unclassified music), W E A T H E R (weather), FINANCE
(financial information), CHILDREN (children’s program),
SOCIAL (social news), RELIGION (religious program),
P H O N E - I N (phone-in program), TRAVEL (travel &
leisure), H O B B Y (hobby), J A Z Z (Jazz music), C O U N-
TRY (country music), N A T I O N A L (national), OLDIES
(oldies), FOLK M (folk music), D O C U M E N T (documen-
tary), T E S T (test) & A L A R M (alarm).
Thomson Model Only
Tuning to an RDS Station
1. Select frequency in FM band.
2. Press and hold for a while for
automatic station quick search.
3. If RDS station found,
icon lights on display.
Displaying RDS Information
Press repeatedly to display the frequency,
station name, station type, clock time,
day, PI code and radio text.
Searching Station by Program Type
1. Enter search mode.
2. Rotate to select a program type.
3. Within 5 seconds, press to search
for a station broadcasting the select-
ed type of program.
CLK 15:10
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