Installing the Phone
Installing the Handset Battery
NOTE: You must connect the handset battery before use.
Nickel metal Hydride batt er y (Ni-MH) batt er y (Brand name:
SANIK, Model name: 2SN-AAA55H-S-J1, Capacity: 2.4V/550mAh;
B r a n d n a m e : B Y D , M o d e l n a m e : H - A A A 5 5 0 B X 2 , C a p a c i t y :
2 . 4 V / 5 5 0 m A h ; B r a n d n a m e : C O R U N , M o d e l n a m e : N I - M H
AAA550,Capacity:2.4V/550mAh), that is compatible with this unit .
1. Locate battery and battery door which are packaged together inside a
plastic bag and are separate from the handset.
2. Locate the battery compartment on the back of the handset.
3. Plug the battery pack cord into the jack inside the compartment.
NOTE: To ensure proper battery installation, the connector is
keyed and can be inserted only one way.
4. Insert the battery pack.
5. Close the battery compartment by pushing the door up until it snaps into