Locate the LOS2500 where it has
an unobstructed view of the room,
particularly the areas normally
occupied by people.
If people can not see the sensor lens
from their normal positions in the
room, the sensor will not detect their
High cabinets, walls, columns, doors
and other obstructions may limit the
sensors view of the entire room.
If obstructions can be moved the
sensor will have a better view. If the
obstructed areas are not normally
occupied, the sensor will still see
sufficient activity to operate properly.
Several sensors can be used to cover
large or oddly shaped rooms
Selecting A Location:
Avoiding HVAC Turbulence
When Heating, Ventilating or Air
Conditioning (HVAC) registers turn
on they create turbulence which can
cause the sensor to activate. !t is
important that the sensor and HVAC
register be separated by at least 4’.
minimum 4 ft.
If the sensor’s location gives it a view
of other rooms or hallways, lights will
be turned on when movement is
detected in these adjacent areas.
The sensor’s detection zone may be
restricted by masking a portion of
the lens; or move sensor to eliminate
detection through doorway.
Sensor sees
through doorway
Sensor’s view
is limited
How large an area does the
LOS2500 cover?
At a 9’ mounting height, the
maximum coverage is 2000 square
feet. The detection pattern covers
360 degrees from the sensor
location in the following pattern:
The L0S2500 sensor “sees”
infrared heat changes caused by
the motion of people within its
detection zone and turns on lights
How long do the lights
stay on?
Lights stay on as long as motion is
detected. They turn off a short time
after motion in the detection range
stops. You can adjust this time from
10 seconds to 15 minutes. Since the
lights are only on when needed, and
the sensor uses a negligible amount of
power, the savings in energy costs are
How much motion is
necessary to keep lights on?
A 6” wave of a hand or head tilt once
every 15 minutes is sufficient to keep
the lights on.
How do you adjust the
Time delay, sensitivity and photocell
adjustments are located on the back of
the unit. A red LED indicator on the
front panel shows when motion is
detected and aids installation
How Do RC Occupancy Sensors Work?
side view
top view
The LOS 2500 has 3 separate 360º
detectors. Triple overlapping coverage
provides super sensitivity and
2152 sq. ft. Coverage area