Open battery cover on controller and correctly insert six 1.5V AA batteries.
Close cover and tighten screws.(see the figure)
Connect the battery to the charger. Plug the charger into a power outlet and fully charge
(about 3-4hrs). DO NOT LEAVE CHARGING BATTERY UNATTENDED. Battery may be
warm when charging is complete. Disconnect the charger from the outlet, then the battery
from the charger.
• AA alkaline batteries recommended for controller
• Non-rechargeable batteries cannot be recharged
• Do not dismantle or short circuit batteries
• Keep batteries away from heat and flame
• Charge rechargeable batteries under adult supervision
• Remove rechargeable battery from boat before
charging and when not in use
• Remove battery before cleaning
• Regularly check all wires, plugs and batteries to ensure
proper performance and safety. In case of damage
discontinue use until repair
Installing Batteries in Remote Controller
Rechargeable Battery
Lithium Battery Safety Precautions
Our company is not liable for any damages or injury caused by appropriate or inappropriate use of
this product
Check all batteries before charging and before use. Do not use or charge damaged batteries. Do not
over-charge batteries. Keep batteries away from heat and flame. Lithium is highly reactive with water;
always keep batteries away from water and humid conditions. Keep out of reach of children and pets.
Product should not be used by persons under 14 years of age, and should be accompanied by an
adult until 18 years of age. Our company is not liable for any damages resulting from improper use or
handling of the product.