XIV-7. Settings
Press the power button to turn on the display, To
access settings menu, hold both the “+” button and
the “-” button for 2s.
Display settings
are listed:
All the Settings are operated on a parked e-bike.
Settings interface
XIV-7.1: Display settings:
Trip Reset
Trip Reset represents trip distance clear-
ance setting.
To reset trip distance, press the “+” button
or the “-” button to select the Yes or No.
Yes represents clearing a trip distance. No
represents not clearing a trip distance.
To store a changed setting, press the “i”
button. The default value is NO.
Trip Reset Interface
Toggle Unit
Toggle Unit represents unit conversion
To toggle the unit, press the “+” button or
the “-” button to choose the desired unit,
and then press the “i” button to confirm.
To store a changed setting, press the “i”
button. The default value is “Metric(km)”.
Toggle Unit Interface