Fasten the exhaust cone with 2,9x13 fasteners; this will also hold the exhaust duct
Cut the canopy to the inscribed lines and glue to the canopy frame CF1, CF2, CF3 fastener and CF4,CF6
The canopy back part is glued to the fuselage and holds CF4
Start with a flat building board with the size for the wing and fuselage
Place the drawing of the wing on the building board and protect it with plastic.
Start by making the bottom sheeting from the supplied balsa sheet, place the sheets on the work plate
and nail them down , use cello-tape to connect the edges, take them off and glue the edges with thick
ca , place on the work plate and sand down the glued edge, turn the sheet over and take of the cello
tape and sand the edges, now there will be one smooth side and a lesser smooth side , this is because
of the thickness of the balsa is not even, the non-smooth side will be the inside of the sheeting.