1. Release height adjustment clamp.
3. Loosen nylon handlebar coupler until handle-
bars separate. Rotate handlebars down and
to the side of the downpipe.
5. Rotate front yoke and downpipe backwards
until parallel to the ground. Locate notch in
joint and tighten completely with knob.
2. Slide handlebars down and secure height
adjustment clamp.
1. For minor brake adjustment, use this method. First rotate the
brake adjuster jam nut counter-clockwise to release cable. Next,
rotate brake cable adjuster clockwise to increase cable length,
or counter-clockwise to shorten cable length. Lastly, tighten
brake adjuster jam nut to lock brake cable at desired length.
2. For extended brake adjustment, use this method. First, loosen
rear brake cable nut using an 8 mm wrench (not included). Next,
pull cable end towards rear of scooter to shorten cable length, or
push cable end towards front of scooter to increase cable length.
Lastly, tighten rear brake cable nut once desired length is found.
4. With scooter upright and one hand on down-
pipe, use other hand to loosen adjustment
knob to fully separate the joint.
6. Grab centre of downpipe and be sure to lift
with your legs. All done!