Keep your Bumper Buggie running for years with genuine Razor parts. Visit our web site or e-mail us for more information on spare part availability.
(Specifications subject to change without notice.)
Bumper Buggie parts
01 Faux headlight cover (right/left)
02 Upper body
03 Joystick switch/grip
04 Faux taillight cover (right/left)
05 Seat
06 Seat belt
07 Charger port w/ wires
08 On/off switch
09 Bumper
10 Chassis/ Lower body
11 Battery (6V/ 8Ah)
11-1 Battery hold-down
12 Reset button w/ wire
13 Swivel caster/ Front wheel
14 Rear wheel complete
15 Gear box
16 Motor (6V 30W)
17 Rear axle set