F O R G A M E R S . B Y G A M E R S .
To create a macro, simply select a macro name to store your commands, then click the
From here you may assign a key or button on the Shortcut Key field that will start or stop the
macro recording if you want to record commands and/or movements outside the Razer Synapse 3
window. You may also opt to include or remove the delay or the amount of time between each
command through the Delay Settings listed below:
Record delay Includes all delays between each command.
Sec delay Uses your specified time (in seconds) as a delay between each command.
No Delay Removes all delays between each command.
Sequence Upon binding a macro using this setting to a button or key, each command
within the macro will only be executed by pressing the key bound to the macro
Or choose to remove or include your preferred mouse movement tracking setting from any of the
settings listed below:
None Removes all mouse movements made during the macro recording.
Screen (Absolute Position) Uses and preserves the exact coordinates of the recorded
mouse movement regardless of screen size changes.