Document PTS-RR-PSC-5-2019-3-5
PTS, Inc.
Exterior Cleaning
The exterior of the PSDS may require cleaning. Disconnect the PSDS from all power
sources. The exterior may be cleaned with a mild, warm water soapy solution. Wipe
with a damp towel and dry with a clean towel. Do not use abrasives or oil-based
cleaners. Particular care should be taken to keep soap, water and debris from getting
into the connectors and power plugs.
At no time should the PSDS be immersed in
water or other solutions.
The PSDS connectors and cables should be kept clean and free of dirt, grime and
miscellaneous debris. If required clean connectors with a medium stiff bristle brush and
wipe off dirt. Avoid allowing moisture to contact the pins and receptacles in the
connectors. If moisture does get into the connectors, allow the system to dry thoroughly
prior to use.
System Repair or Return
If a PSDS malfunctions or becomes nonfunctional the user should notify PTS in
Huntsville, Alabama. Call toll free 1-877-737-5832, commercial 256-539-6787 or contact
via e-mail:
to receive instructions for return and repair.
Be prepared to discuss and troubleshoot the problem. The PSDS should be available to
facilitate actual troubleshooting. PTS will determine if the PSDS needs to be returned
for repair/replacement.
If PTS determines the PSDS requires return for repair, PTS will assign a Return
Material Authorization (RMA) number. The RMA number should be clearly posted on
the outside of the transit case as well as documented on a note inside the case detailing
the specific problem or malfunction, username, email, phone number and complete
return address of the sender. Please do not include manuals, filters, cables (unless
specifically requested), radios, power amplifiers, etc. when returning the PSDS.
Label the package/case as follows:
Perkins Technical Services, Inc.
RMA # (contact PTS for RMA assignment)
1318-B Putman Drive
Huntsville, AL 35816
Attention: Repairs