Mode 1 (Type H Units Only)
This mode selection is for hydronic heating systems
with single or multiple boilers (Maximum 4 boilers) in
primary/secondary piping configuration with or without
Outdoor Air Reset (S4). The system temperature is
controlled by the System sensor (S3). The integral
boiler pumps (P1) run during any call for heat. The
System Pump (P2) runs whenever the system is
enabled for heating and the outdoor air temperature is
lower than the warm weather shut down (WWSD) tem-
perature setting (if utilized). The System Pump is
delayed “off” as user defined in the
Fig. 14: MODE 1 - Boiler Cascade with
Primary/Secondary Piping
Fig. 13: MODE 1 - Single Boiler with
Primary/Secondary Piping
Three-Way Valves
Three-way valves intended to regulate system water
temperatures by reducing flow in the boiler should not
be used. Raypak heaters are high-recovery, low-mass
heaters which are not subject to thermal shock.
Applications & Modes
The VERSA IC Control system is designed for a wide
range of applications. The installer/design engineer
should refer to the following Modes to determine which
best fits the intended application and functionality for
the unit being installed.
Type H models of XTherm have three modes available
to them to address the various applications the units
can be applied to. Type WH units will only have the
WH configuration available to them for use with
potable water applications when directly connected to
a hot water storage tank.