The Y-Series sequence panel includes:
Standard Indicator Lights:
Stages 1 to 8:
Red, indicates which stages are turned on.
Green, indicates that the pump circuit is energized.
Call for Heat:
Green, indicates that a call for heat signal is present.
Control On:
Green, indicates outdoor temperature is below the Outdoor Cutoff Temperature
potentiometer setting and that the boiler will respond to a call for heat.
Setting Error:
Red, indicates one or more of the on-board settings is incorrect.
Sensor Error:
Red, indicates that the Water or Outdoor Temperature Sensor has an out-of-range reading.
Adjustment Knobs:
Reset Ratio:
0.12:1 to 8:1; determines how much the micro-controller calculated Target
Temperature will change for a given outdoor temperature change.
Control Band:
1°F to 10°F; the temperature above or below the Target Temperature at which the boiler
turns off and on.
Pump Off Delay:
0 to 10 min.; determines when the pump shuts off after entering Outdoor Cutoff mode.
Outdoor Cutoff
32°F to 200°F; a warm weather shutdown feature. When the outdoor temperature
exceeds this setting, the boiler will not fire unless placed in manual override mode.
Outdoor Cutoff
1°F to 10°F; the number of degrees below the Outdoor Cutoff (O/C)
Temperature which causes the O/C to reset.
Boiler On Delay:
0 to 5 min.; sets the time interval between sequential boiler start ups.
Stage On Delay:
0 to 60 sec.; determines the time delay between stages turning on.
Max. Water Temp.:
70°F to 235°F; the maximum value that the Target Temperature is allowed to reach.
Set Point:
40°F to 220°F; the system output temperature desired when the outdoor temperature is
70°F or, in domestic water applications, the desired water temperature.
Logic Test Button, Jumper and Switches
System Test Button (S1):
initiates micro self test which causes the status indicator lights to blink 5 times
indicating the micro-controller is functioning properly.
Last Stage Jumper (J2):
selects the last active stage used for boiler control.
First Stage #1 Selector (S2):
designates the first stage of each boiler in a multi-boiler system. Switch
position #1 should always be on.
Mode Selector (S3):
switch #1 selects either Manual or Auto Lead-Lag Mode. Switch #2 provides an
Outdoor Reset defeat. Switch #3 configures the Y–Series for Master/Slave ganged
operation. Switch #4 allows the Set Point to be set below 105°F.
Bypass Switches (S5):
allows user to turn on any stage(s) regardless of current settings and
conditions if, and only if, the pump relay is already activated.