Raymarine ST7000 Owner'S Handbook Manual Download Page 76

Chapter 5: Installation


The instrument can be installed either above or below deck, provided
the rear of the instrument is sited where it is protected from contact
with water.

The instrument must also be positioned where it is:

• Within easy reach of the steering position.

• Protected from physical damage.

• At least 230 mm from any compass.

• At least 500 mm from any radio/radar receiving/transmitting


Mounting Procedure




1 Cable boss 2 Fixing studs 3 Thumb nuts



Always leave a 6 mm gap between adjacent display heads to

allow the protective sun covers to be fitted.


Use the template provided (after the 


in this handbook) to

mark the hole centres for the fixing stud and the cable boss.


Drill four 5 mm diameter holes for the fixing studs.


Taking great care not to cut the hole for the cable boss too big,

use a 90 mm diameter cutter to drill the hole for the cable boss (1).


07/01/99, 12:43


Summary of Contents for ST7000

Page 1: ...Distributed by Any reference to Raytheon or RTN in this manual should be interpreted as Raymarine The names Raytheon and RTN are owned by the Raytheon Company...

Page 2: ...ST7000 Plus Autopilot Control Unit Owner s Handbook Document number 81118_1 Date 20January1999...

Page 3: ......

Page 4: ...ledge the information contained within this handbook was correct as it went to press A great deal of care has been taken to ensure that this handbook is as accurate as possible However liability canno...

Page 5: ...ii ST7000PlusAutopilotControlUnitOwner sHandbook...

Page 6: ...fication 2 Chapter 2 Basic Operation 3 2 1 Key Functions 3 2 2 Display Layout 4 Bar Graph 4 Distance Units 5 2 3 Start Up Conditions 5 2 4 Using Auto Mode 5 Safety 5 Engaging the Autopilot 5 Return to...

Page 7: ...t 12 Backlighting 12 Contrast 13 2 7 Data Pages 13 Waypoint names 14 2 8 Remotely Controlling ST60 and ST80 Instruments 15 Chapter 3 Advanced Operation 17 3 1 Operating in Track Mode 17 Initiating Tra...

Page 8: ...24 Adjusting the Locked Wind Angle 25 Returning to the Previous Apparent Wind Angle LAST WIND 25 Dodges 26 Wind Shift Alarm 26 Using AutoTack in Wind Mode 26 Operating Hints 27 3 3 Adjusting Autopilot...

Page 9: ...ng the System 35 Important 35 4 1 User Setup 35 Pilot Type 37 Compass Deviation Correction 37 Deviation Display 37 Heading Alignment 37 Heading Mode 38 Bar Selection 38 Rudder Calibration 38 Popup Tim...

Page 10: ...iation 48 AutoAdapt 48 Latitude 49 Wind Trim 49 AutoRelease 49 Response 49 Recording Calibration Settings 50 4 3 Setting Up For ST60 and ST80 Remote Control 50 Instrument Grouping 51 Setting Up Groups...

Page 11: ...EA Cable Connectors 62 NMEA Data 62 Transmission of NMEA Data on SeaTalk 63 5 4 Functional Test Repeater Unit 63 Switch On 64 Navigation Interface GPS Decca Loran 64 SeaTalk Interface 65 Chapter 6 Pos...

Page 12: ...Compass Deviation Correction 71 Further Heading Alignment Adjustment 74 Checking Autopilot Operation 74 Checking the Rudder Gain 74 Chapter 7 Maintenance 77 General 77 Servicing and Safety 77 Product...

Page 13: ...x ST7000PlusAutopilotControlUnitOwner sHandbook...

Page 14: ...e adjustments to customise the ST7000 Plus and associated autopilot to give optimum performance on your vessel Chapter 5 ExplainshowtoinstalltheST7000 Plus Chapter 6 Coversfunctionaltesting initialcal...

Page 15: ...lot cannot Even when your autopilot is locked onto the desired Track using a radio navigation receiver always maintain a log and make regular positional plots Radio navigation signals can produce sign...

Page 16: ...s are designed to the best industry standards for use in the leisure marine environment Their design and manufacture conforms to the appropriate ElectromagneticCompatibility EMC standards butgoodinsta...

Page 17: ...xiv ST7000PlusAutopilotControlUnitOwner sHandbook...

Page 18: ...es optimum track keeping performance The ST7000 Plus can also be used with any navigator GPS Decca Loran transmitting NMEA 0183 data There are five operating modes Standby Autopilot disengaged Auto Au...

Page 19: ...ypes of vessel 1 2 Specification Power Supply 10 to 15 V DC Current consumption 50 mA with display lamps off 120 mAwithdisplaylampssetatbrightestlevel Operating temperature 0 Cto 70 C 32 Fto 158 F Thi...

Page 20: ...arboard Press to accept waypoint advance Press for 1 second to skip waypoint Press for 1 second for Last Heading Press again to accept Last Heading Press for 1 second for lamp control Press and hold f...

Page 21: ...rudder position indicator or as an error bar If it has been set as an error bar the display depends on the current autopilot mode as follows Mode Bar Standby Rudder position indicator in degrees Auto...

Page 22: ...al steering at any time by pressingstandby momentarily to return to Standby mode 2 4 UsingAuto Mode Safety Althoughautopilotcontrolcanconsiderablyeasethetaskof sailingavessel itsusemustneverleadtothee...

Page 23: ...at a predetermined time or location after confirming that you have set the correct course and the direction of turn is correct In both cases the 1 and 10 starboard and 1 and 10 port keys are used to c...

Page 24: ...ding 5 Press auto A confirmationscreenisthendisplayed Thisshows the new heading and the direction the autopilot will steer PORTor STARBOARD to achieve the new heading 6 Press auto again The new headin...

Page 25: ...ng held for 20 seconds or more If for any reason the vessel is steered away from the selected locked heading for example executing a dodge manoeuvre or selecting Standby you can return to the previous...

Page 26: ...ed AutomaticTack AUTOTACK TheST7000Pluscanaccessanautomatic tack facilitythatturnsthe vessel through a predetermined angle the factory default is 100 in the required direction AutoTack to Starboard Pr...

Page 27: ...anges It is sound seamanship to make major course changes only when steering manually Manual course changes ensure that obstructions or other vessels can be cleared properly and due account taken of t...

Page 28: ...llowing important points Do not allow the yacht to heel over excessively Ease the mainsheet traveller to leeward to reduce heeling and weather helm Ifnecessary reefthemainsailalittleearly It is also a...

Page 29: ...AMP2 LAMP1 LAMPOFF LAMP1 LAMP2 LAMP3etc withLAMP3 beingthebrightest setting The display times out to normal operation after 10 seconds of keypad inactivity Pressing any other key before the 10 second...

Page 30: ...ndby Auto Track Wind and Manual then become pop ups and are displayed whenever the autopilot mode is changed or a course change is made The duration of pop up pages is user adjustable from 1 to 10 sec...

Page 31: ...emote Control and theMAXIREM ST80MaxiviewRemoteControl pages if selected for display Setting up instructions for these are given in Chapter 4 Customising the System The current autopilot mode is alway...

Page 32: ...sed with ST60 or ST80 instrumentation you can use the ST7000 Plus to control these instruments both standard 110 mm and Maxiview instruments However before attempting to operate ST60 or ST80 instrumen...

Page 33: ...the following illustration carry out the required instrument control functions from your ST7000 Plus Note The manner used to show a currently selected instrument depends on the instrument type On ST8...

Page 34: ...alk navigation system transmitting data in the NMEA 0183 format this can be connected directly to the ST7000 PlusNMEAinput asdescribedin Chapter5 Installation Track mode is selected by pressing thetra...

Page 35: ...t locked heading displayed After a short delay for data acquisition the Waypoint Advance alarm will sound and the display will show the current bearing to waypoint alternating with the direction in wh...

Page 36: ...k toenterTrackmode The display shows the locked pilot heading Note Atlowspeeds theeffectoftidalstreamsisfarmoresignificant than at higher speeds Provided the tidal flow is less than 35 of the vessel s...

Page 37: ...ayed in nautical miles nm statute miles SM or kilometres and is taken directly from your navigator The Large XTE alarm sounds if the XTE exceeds 0 3 nm The direction of the error is identified as Pt p...

Page 38: ...speed Vessel s WaypointArrival andAdvance If your navigation receiver transmits valid NMEA waypoint number and bearing to waypoint data it is possible to advance from one waypoint to the next by press...

Page 39: ...onto the new track 2 Press the trackkey Thiswillcancelthewaypointarrivalalarm and turn the boat towards the next waypoint Note Unless the Waypoint Advance is accepted in the above manner the alarm wil...

Page 40: ...reckoned position calculated from the average course steered and the distance logged PlotFrequency In open water plots should be at least hourly on sail boats and more frequently on power boats In con...

Page 41: ...ompass heading is adjusted to maintain the original apparent wind angle To use Wind mode the ST7000 Plus must receive wind information from one of the following sources SeaTalk Wind instrument connect...

Page 42: ...tween the true and apparent wind angles For major changes return to Standby mode steer onto the new heading and reselect Wind mode Returning to the PreviousApparentWindAngle LASTWIND If for any reason...

Page 43: ...ShiftAlarm The wind shift alarm sounds and the textWINDSHIFTis displayed if a wind shift of more than 15 is detected 1 Press standbyto cancel the alarm and return to hand steering and steer onto the r...

Page 44: ...de filters the windvane output This provides the optimum response for off shore conditions where genuine shifts in wind direction occur gradually In gusty and unsteady inshore conditions it is best to...

Page 45: ...ments of the vessel and only react to true variations in course This provides the best compromise between power consumption and course keeping accuracy and is the default calibration setting ResponseL...

Page 46: ...ttheruddergainiscorrectlysetonplaning craft Incorrectadjustmentwillleadtopoorsteeringperformance andisdangerousathighspeeds 3 4Alarms This section summarises the alarms that are reported by the ST7000...

Page 47: ...eading by more than 15 see Operatingin Wind Mode in this Chapter Large CrossTrack Error LARGEXTE This alarm is activated when the cross track error exceeds 0 3 nm see Operating inTrackMode inthisChapt...

Page 48: ...Waypoint advance is requested by pressing track for 1 second in Track mode SeaTalk Navigators only When the alarm sounds the pilot continues on its current heading but displays the bearing to the nex...

Page 49: ...fWatchalarm When thetimerreaches4minutes the audible Watch alarm activates 3 Pressauto atanytimetosilencethealarmandresetthetimerto 4 minutes Pressing any other key resets the timer and performs the k...

Page 50: ...m either press any key on the ST7000 Plus or cancel itattheDepthinstrument Man Overboard MOB If a man overboard MOB message is received from another instrument ontheSeaTalksystem thetextMOBisshowninst...

Page 51: ...34 ST7000PlusAutopilotControlUnitOwner sHandbook...

Page 52: ...te compass Important IfyourST7000Plusispartofasystemwhichincludesoneormore ST80Masterviewinstruments youmustturnOFFthepop up pilotfacilityoneachST80Masterviewbeforeattemptingtocarry outeitherUserSetup...

Page 53: ...36 ST7000PlusAutopilotControlUnitOwner sHandbook...

Page 54: ...ormedasthefirstiteminyourinitialseatrial andisdescribedin detail inChapter6 PostInstallationProcedures Deviation Display DEVIATION The deviation screen shows the current deviation value calculated fro...

Page 55: ...track error XTE bar Wind Wind angle error bar Manual Rudder position Rudder Calibration DOCK SIDE RUDD CAL WARNING Thisproceduremovesthehelm andshouldonlybeusedwhenthe vesselisatthedockside Forsterndr...

Page 56: ...es of User Setup allow you to change the default settingsfor theData Pages Theseare the pagesofSeaTalkorNMEA data available for display using thedisp key during normal operation see Data PagesinChapte...

Page 57: ...or all data other than depth and water temperature depend on the currently selected SeaTalk display units The default pages are DataPage Default Setting 1 XTE Cross Track Error 2 BTW Bearing to Waypoi...

Page 58: ...reen are then displayed alternately Course computer software version ST7000 Plus software version D4374 1 4 2 Dealer Setup Type 100 300 Course Computer This section applies if you have installed the S...

Page 59: ...justment can be made at any time Theadjustablefeaturesarelistedina tableattheendofthis section Use this table to record your settings for future reference Information on the functions of the different...

Page 60: ...ng Description ON User setup locked OFF User setup unlocked Default OFF Rudder Gain This must be set while under way as described inChapter6 Post InstallationProcedures Range 1to9 Default for Pilot Ty...

Page 61: ...ffset value using the 1and 1 keys until the rudder position is shown as central on the rudder bar The offset must be within the range 7 to 7 Range 7 to 7 Default 0 Rudder Limit RudderLimitrestrictsaut...

Page 62: ...aTalk or NMEA SeaTalk boat speed is used in preference to SOG Range 4to60knots Default for Pilot Type Displacement 6 for Pilot Type Semi Displacement 8 for Pilot Type Planing 15 for Pilot Type Sterndr...

Page 63: ...Type Planing 3 for Pilot Type Sterndrive 3 The default setting should provide optimum performance with the Course Computer However an incorrect rate of trim application may result in poor course keep...

Page 64: ...for mechanically driven vessels Range 1 Mechanically driven vessels without a rudder reference unit 2 Hydraulic no rudder reference unit 3 Linear rotary and sterndrive with a rudder reference unit 4...

Page 65: ...eading errors at higher latitudes which are caused by the increasing dip of the earth s magnetic field The increased dip has the effect of amplifying rudder response on northerly headings in the north...

Page 66: ...onse for wind shifts Default 1 AutoRelease AutoRelease provides emergency manual override should it be necessary to avoid an obstacle at the last moment This option only applies to cable operated ster...

Page 67: ...Lock Rudder gain Response Turn rate Limit Rudder Offset OffCourseAlarm AutoTrim Drive Type Variation AutoAdapt Latitude Rudder Damping AutoRelease Cruise Speed Power Speed Rudder Limit Rate Level 4 3...

Page 68: ...you to create up to eight standard instrument and eight Maxiview instrument groups Each group can have up to eight instruments Each group must have one or more Remote Keypads or an ST7000 Plus grouped...

Page 69: ...type as follows On selected ST80 instruments the characters are displayed in inverse video i e white characters on a black background OnselectedST60digitalinstruments aREMOTElegendis displayed On sel...

Page 70: ...quence number e g A2 Note All standard instrumentsareselectablewhileingroupsetup mode 6 Press either the up arrow or down arrow key to select another instrument and repeat the procedure in step 5 7 Re...

Page 71: ...procedures described in actions 3 to 10 12 When all instrument groups have been set up hold down the track and set crs keys for 1 second to return to group setup mode 13 Hold down the track and set cr...

Page 72: ...nd sequence number and thetrack key to set the identifying character When the Maxiview instrument has been properly identified it should display its group letter and sequence number e g J2 Note AllMax...

Page 73: ...selected group of display heads 11 If you are creating more than one group repeat the procedures described in actions 3 to 10 12 When all instrument groups have been set up hold down the resp and tra...

Page 74: ...A radar beam can normally be assumed to spread 20 above and below the radiating element The equipment should be supplied from a different battery than the one used for engine start Voltage drops belo...

Page 75: ...rvals Avoid running cables close to fluorescent lights engines radio transmittingequipmentetc 5 2 Instrument Siting CAUTION Theinstrumentmustbeinstalledsothattherearcaseisprotected fromwater Thepresen...

Page 76: ...m from any radio radar receiving transmitting equipment Mounting Procedure 2 3 1 1 Cable boss 2 Fixing studs 3 Thumb nuts Note Always leave a 6 mm gap between adjacent display heads to allowtheprotect...

Page 77: ...s Power Power to the ST7000 Plus should be supplied by the associated autopilot in accordance with the instructions in the relevant autopilot handbook Connections to the SeaTalk Bus SeaTalkCables The...

Page 78: ...NMEA Interface ST7000 Plus accepts NMEA navigation data for display and use in Track and Wind modes The required NMEA data formats are shown in the table at the end of this section Cabling The NMEA p...

Page 79: ...e using spade connectors When fitting the spade connectors make sure the connector fits securely over the blade and not between the connector and its plasticinsulatingboot Incorrectlyfittedconnectorsw...

Page 80: ...nt on SeaTalk the ST7000 Plus will transmit the data onto SeaTalktomakeitavailabletootherSeaTalkcompatibleinstruments Depth is transmitted in the units defined by the first depth page in the datapager...

Page 81: ...tween the ST7000 Plus control head and the Course Computer Navigation Interface GPS Decca Loran If the ST7000 Plus is interfaced to a navigator via its NMEA data port the interface can be checked by d...

Page 82: ...ressstandby 2 Select display illumination level 3 on any other SeaTalk instrument or autopilot control unit The ST7000 Plus should immediately respond by switching on its displayillumination If the il...

Page 83: ...66 ST7000PlusAutopilotControlUnitOwner sHandbook...

Page 84: ...ial as described inChapter4 6 1 FunctionalTest and Initial Calibration Switch On Having installed your ST7000 Plus system switch on the main power breaker If the instrument is active and the system op...

Page 85: ...ould move to produce a turn to starboard 4 If the helm produces a turn to port reverse the motor connections at the course computer 5 If the helm overshoots and has to drive back or starts to hunt bac...

Page 86: ...Interface Ifthe ST7000 PlusisconnectedtoawindinstrumentviaitsNMEA data port or SeaTalk then the link between the two instruments should be checked by pressingstandby and autotogether The ST7000 Plus s...

Page 87: ...ons engine starting etc In some installations it may not be possible to prevent the equipment from being affected by external influences In general this will not damage the equipment but can lead to i...

Page 88: ...o deviating magnetic fields can be up to 45 depending on your vessel type The correction procedure reducestheseto afewdegrees soitisessentialtoperform the procedureasthefirstiteminyourinitialseatrial...

Page 89: ...ass page 4 Press the 1or 1 key to change the setting fromOFFtoYES The Turn Boat page is then displayed 5 Keeping the boat speed below 2 knots turn the vessel in slow circles Itshouldtakeatleast3minute...

Page 90: ...5 you should consider moving the fluxgate compass to a better location 7 Press the disp key to move on to the Heading Alignment page 8 Use the 1 1 10and 10 keys to adjust the displayed heading until i...

Page 91: ...ge heading error is more than 5 you should perform the compass deviation correction procedure again CheckingAutopilot Operation Having calibrated the compass the following procedure is recommended to...

Page 92: ...rshoot of more than 5 as at B below This condition can be corrected by reducing the rudder gainsetting Similarly aninsufficientruddercontrolsettingwillresultin understeer which gives sluggish steering...

Page 93: ...test until a crisp course change with no more 5 of overshoot is achieved The rudder control setting should be set to the lowest setting consistent with accurate course keeping This will minimise helm...

Page 94: ...ied to the equipment Always report any problem related to Electromagnetic Compatibility EMC toyournearestAutohelmdealer Wewilluse any such information to improve our quality standards Product Support...

Page 95: ...78 ST7000PlusAutopilotControlUnitOwner sHandbook...

Page 96: ...der gain too low Vessel overshoots when turning on to a new course Rudder gain too high TheautopilotappearstobeunstableinTrackmode ortrack holding is slow If tide speed exceeds 35 of boat speed and bo...

Page 97: ...t No bearing to waypoint information received from the navigator Aseriesofrotatingdashesaredisplayedonscreen Compass deviation correction or dockside rudder calibration is running Thedisplayshowsaseri...

Page 98: ...31 No data 30 No link 29 Off course 30 Route completed 32 SeaTalk failure 29 Shallow 33 Watch 32 Wind shift 30 Auto mode 5 Course changes 10 Dodging obstacles 7 Major course changes 10 AutoAdapt 48 Au...

Page 99: ...71 Deviation correction requirement 37 Condensation 77 Connections to the SeaTalk bus 60 Contrast adjustment 13 Course change keys 6 Course changes under autopilot control 10 Cross track error XTE 20...

Page 100: ...se 38 H Hand steering 6 Heading alignment 37 Checking after compass swing 74 Heading bar 4 Heading mode 38 I Initial calibration 67 Initiating a dodge manoeuvre 22 Initiating Track mode 17 Installatio...

Page 101: ...PS Decca Loran 64 68 NEXT WPT 31 NMEA Cable Connectors 62 Data Transmission 62 Interface 61 No Data alarm 30 No Link alarm 29 O Off Course alarm 10 30 45 clearing 30 Operating modes 1 Operating sense...

Page 102: ...65 69 Data displays 13 Failure 29 Typical cabling 61 Servicing 77 Set Course screen 6 Setting waypoints 23 Shallow alarm 33 Skipping a waypoint 22 Software version number 41 ST60 and ST80 instruments...

Page 103: ...up 35 V Variation 48 Verifying computed positions 23 W Warranty xi Watch alarm 31 Waypoints Arrival and advance 21 Setting 23 Skipping 22 Waypoint names 14 Wind angle error bar 4 Wind mode 24 Wind shi...

Page 104: ...Machine hole 90mm diameter Drill 5mm Drill 5mm Drill 5mm Drill 5mm D4235 118templ p65 07 01 99 12 44 1...

Page 105: ......

Page 106: ...i stylus drive belts radar mixer crystals diodes snap in impeller carriers impellers impeller bearings and impeller shaft are specifically excluded from this Warranty Magnetrons Cathode Ray Tubes CRT...

Page 107: ...as above United States of America Raytheon Marine Company Recreational Products Tel 603 647 7530 676 Island Pond Road Fax 603 634 4756 Manchester NH 03109 5420 U S A UK Europe Middle East Far East Ra...


Page 109: ...nd mail this portion within 48 hours To validate the warranty the customer or dealer must fill in the requested information below and mail to address shown on front Retain other portion for your recor...

Page 110: ...held by Raytheon Marine only and shall not be made available to any other companies Raytheon Marine may send you mailshots details of any new products Please tick this box if you do not wish to receiv...

Page 111: ...tach and mail this portion within 48 hours To validate the warranty the customer or dealer must fill in the requested information below and mail to address shown on front Retain other portion for your...
