background image

Chapter 2: Advanced operation


• or press 


 to return to manual control.


If waypoints are provided using an NMEA connection the controller will display NO 

DATA when  you reach the final waypoint.

2.2 Using Wind Vane mode


You can only select Wind Vane mode if the SmartPilot is receiving suitable SeaTalk 

or NMEA wind direction information. 

What is Wind Vane mode?

When the SmartPilot is in Wind Vane mode it uses the fluxgate compass as the 

primary heading reference. As changes in the true or apparent wind angle occur, 

it adjusts the locked heading to maintain the original wind angle. 

Wind information

To use Wind Vane mode, the SmartPilot must receive wind information from one 

of the following sources:

• SeaTalk wind instrument connected to the autopilot via SeaTalk

• NMEA wind instrument

• Raymarine pushpit wind vane connected via a SeaTalk interface

True and apparent wind

SmartPilots can maintain a course relative to either an apparent or true wind 

angle in Wind Vane mode
The default setting is apparent wind. If required, you can change this to true wind 

in User Calibration (see 

page 31



In Wind Vane mode the SmartPilot uses WindTrim to eliminate the effects of 

turbulence and short term wind variations. This provides smooth and precise 

performance with minimal power consumption. You can adjust the wind 

response (WindTrim) level in User Calibration (see 

page 31

) to control how quickly 

the SmartPilot responds to changes in the wind direction. Higher wind trim 

settings will result in a pilot that is more responsive to wind changes.  Page 23  Monday, October 2, 2006  2:03 PM

Summary of Contents for S1 Tiller Pilot

Page 1: ...SmartPilot Series S1WheelPilot S1 TillerPilot Operating Guide Documentreference 81283 1 Date October2006 81283_1 book Page i Monday October 2 2006 2 03 PM ...

Page 2: ...ST Advanced Steering Technology AutoAdapt AutoLearn AutoRelease AutoSeastate AutoTack AutoTrim FastTrim GyroPlus RayGyro RayPilot and WindTrim are trademarks of Raymarine Ltd Raymarine and SeaTalk are trademarks of Raymarine Ltd Handbook contents Raymarine Ltd 2005 81283_1 book Page ii Monday October 2 2006 2 03 PM ...

Page 3: ... Thishandbook Containsadetaileddescriptionofthe SmartPilot sfeaturesandfunctions Warranty ToregisteryournewRaymarine product pleasetake afewminutestofilloutthe warrantycard Itisimportantthatyoucompletetheownerinformationand returnthecardtoustoreceivefullwarrantybenefits Youcanalsoregisteronline at www raymarine com Safetynotices WARNING Calibration Wesupplythisproductcalibratedtodefaultsettingstha...

Page 4: ...waysmaintainalogandmakeregularpositionalplots Navigationsig nalscanproducesignificanterrorsundersomecircumstancesandtheautopi lotwillnotbeabletodetecttheseerrors Productdisposal WasteElectricalandElectronic WEEE Directive TheWEEEDirectiverequirestherecyclingofwaste electricaland electronicequipment Whilstthe WEEEDirective doesnotapplytosomeofRaymarine sproducts we supportitspolicyandaskyoutobe awa...

Page 5: ...ttopress However Raymarinecannotacceptliabilityforanyinaccuracies oromissionsitmaycontain Inaddition ourpolicyofcontinuousproduct improvementmaychangespecificationswithoutnotice Asaresult Raymarine cannotacceptliabilityforanydifferencesbetweentheproductandthe handbook 81283_1 book Page iii Monday October 2 2006 2 03 PM ...

Page 6: ...iv S1 Wheel and Tiller Pilots Operating Guide 81283_1 book Page iv Monday October 2 2006 2 03 PM ...

Page 7: ...teeryourboat 6 CAUTION Maintain a permanent watch 6 CAUTION Risk of gybe 6 How doIautomaticallysteertoaheading 6 WARNING Wheel drive clutch 6 How doIreturntohandsteering 7 CAUTION Wheel drive systems7 How doIchange courseinAutomode 7 CanIdodgeanobstacleandthenresumecourse 8 Off Coursealarm 9 1 4 How doIadjusttheperformanceofmySmartPilot 9 1 5 Sailingfunctions 11 Tacking AutoTack 11 CAUTION Allow t...

Page 8: ...he Waypoint Advance alarm 22 WhathappenswhenIgettotheendof the route 22 2 2 UsingWindVanemode 23 Whatis WindVanemode 23 Windinformation 23 True and apparent wind 23 WindTrim 23 How doIselectWindVanemode 24 How doIleaveWindVane mode 24 How doIdodgeanobstacleinWindVanemode 25 Whatis aWindShift warning 25 How doIuseAutoTackinWindVanemode 25 AutoTack angle 26 OperatinghintsforWindVanemode 26 2 3 How d...

Page 9: ...aning the wheel drive 37 CAUTION 37 Adjusting the clutch 37 Replacing the belt 38 User serviceable parts 38 EMCadvice 39 Productsupport 39 World wide web 39 Telephone help line 40 Help us to help you 40 Product details table 41 Specifications 43 ST6002controlunit 43 SmartPilot computerfunctions 43 Glossary 44 Index 47 81283_1 book Page vii Monday October 2 2006 2 03 PM ...

Page 10: ...viii S1 Wheel and Tiller Pilots Operating Guide 81283_1 book Page viii Monday October 2 2006 2 03 PM ...

Page 11: ... SmartPilotsteerstheboattomaintainatrackbetweentwoway pointscreatedonanavigationaid WindVane TheSmartPilotsteerstheboattomaintainacourserelativetoa trueorapparentwindangle TheSmartPilotcontrolleralsoprovides automatictack AutoTack inAutoandWindVane modes waypointadvancefeature inTrackmode SmartPilotFunctions ThefunctionsprovidedwithyourSmartPilotsystemdependonwhetherthe SmartPilotcomputercontainsa...

Page 12: ...eering Youcanalsousethe SmartPilotwithanynavigatororwindinstrumentthat transmits NationalMarineElectronicsAssociation NMEA 0183data TheSmartPilot controlunitcandisplaySeaTalkandNMEAinstrument dataina user definedselectionofdatapages Forfurtherinformationonother connectionstoyoursystemsee SmartPilot CommissioningGuide Table1 1 S1 TillerPilot with GyroPlus S1 WheelPilot without GyroPlus InternalGyro...

Page 13: ...second Whenthepowersupplyisswitchedoff theSmartPilotcontrollerbuttonshaveno effect Notes 1 Eachtime powertotheSmartPilotcontrollerisswitchedon thecontroller isinitiallyintheoncondition Youdonotneedtousethe disp button toswitchthe controlleron 2 WhentheSmartPilotcontrollerison theoperationofthe dispbutton will performotheroperatingfunctions asdescribedbelow Start upmode TheSmartPilotalwayspowers up...

Page 14: ... is connected 1 plus 1 Press for Response level Press for 1 second for Rudder Gain 1 plus 10 Press together for AutoTack to starboard 1 plus 10 Press together for AutoTack to port D5449 3 DISP Press to display data pages Press for 1 second for lamp adjust Press for 3 seconds for contrast adjust Press for 9 seconds in Standby mode for power down When powered down press for 1 second to power up STAN...

Page 15: ...therudderpositionsensor Thismaybeturnedon off usingthedisplaycalibrationsettings Seeyourcommissioningguideformore details Rudder position indicator Port and Starboard direction to steer indicators Distance units no units kilometres nm nautical miles SM statute miles Heading indicators Variable text region up to 9 characters digits D5457 3 nm SM MAG TRUE 81283_1 book Page 5 Monday October 2 2006 2 ...

Page 16: ...ntherequiredheading 2 Wheel Pilot Engagethewheeldriveclutchbyrotatingtheclutchlever clockwise sothelever engages fully ontothelocatingpip Tiller Pilot Place thepushrodendoverthetillerpin If necessary extendor retractthepushrodusingthe 1 1 10 and 10 keys WARNING Wheeldriveclutch AlwaysreachAROUND notthrough thewheeltooperatethe wheeldriveclutchlever Note This function is not intended for steering t...

Page 17: ...age thewheeldriveclutchbyrotatingtheclutch leveranti clockwise sotheleverengages fully ontothe locatingpip Tiller Pilot Removethedriveunitfromthetillerpin Ifrequired retract thepushrodusing 1 1 10and 10 keys CAUTION Wheeldrivesystems Onwheeldrivesystems alwaysmakesurethattheclutchisFULLY DISENGAGEDbeforeyouleavetheboat HowdoIchangecourseinAutomode InAutomode usethe 1and 10 port and 1 and 10 starbo...

Page 18: ...ourse 1 Selectacoursechangeintheappropriatedirection Forexample press 10 three timesfora30 dodgetoport 2 Whensafelyclearoftheobstacleeither i press andhold AUTOfor2secondstoreturntothe previousheading or ii reversethepreviouscourse change for example press 10three times Port Starboard or or D3320 3 D3303 3P Original course Dodge Obstacle 81283_1 book Page 8 Monday October 2 2006 2 03 PM ...

Page 19: ...Theprincipalmethodof adjustingtheperformanceofSmartPilotsystemsisby changingtheresponselevel Thisistheonlyuseradjustmentyoushouldneedto maketoyour SmartPilotona regular basis TheresponselevelcontrolstherelationshipbetweentheSmartPilot scourse keepingaccuracyandthe amountofhelm drive activity Whenyouturnonyour SmartPilotitwillalwaysbeatthedefaultlevel ThislevelcanbeadjustedinUser Calibrationsee pag...

Page 20: ...uldgivegoodcoursekeepingwithcrisp wellcontrolled turnsundernormaloperatingconditions level3to1minimizestheamountofpilotactivity Thisconservespower but maycompromiseshort termcourse keepingaccuracy Withthesepointsinmind youshouldusethefollowingproceduretomake temporaryadjustmentstotheresponselevelwhenrequired 1 Displaythe RESPONSEscreenbypressingthe 1 and 1 buttonstogether momentarily Note The RESP...

Page 21: ...rychange totheresponsesetting 1 Displaythe RESPONSE screenbypressingthe 1 and 1 buttonstogether 2 Press 1 or 1 buttons tochangetheresponsebetweenlevels1to3 3 Press disp orwaitfor5seconds toreturntothepreviousdisplay Note Youwilllose these temporarychangestoresponse level whenever the systemis poweredoff Youcanmake permanentadjustmentsinUserCalibration see page 31 1 5 Sailing functions Tacking Auto...

Page 22: ...dthenusethe SmartPilotcontrolstotrimthehelmback tothe required40 relativetothe wind YoucanadjustthedefaultAutoTackangleinUserCalibration see page 30 PreventinggybeswithAutoTack ThegybeinhibitfeaturepreventsanAutoTackawayfromthe wind thiswill preventtheAutoTackfeature fromgybing Note Forthegybe inhibitfeature towork the SmartPilotneedssuitable wind informa tion Gybeinhibitis switchedonasadefaultbut...

Page 23: ...Ingustyconditions thecoursemaytendtowanderslightly particularlyifthesails are badlybalanced Ifyoutakethe followingprecautions theSmartPilotwillbe abletomaintaincompetentcontroleveningaleforce conditions Youcanimprove coursekeepingbyimprovingthesailbalance donot allowtheboattoheeloverexcessively easethe mainsheet travellertoleewardtoreduceheelingandweather helm if necessary reef the mainsailalittle...

Page 24: ...viousmodeifyoudonotpressa buttonfor10seconds ifyoupressanothermodebuttonwithin10secondsyouwillselect the modeassignedtothatbutton forexample auto selectsAutomode standby selectsStandbymode Notes 1 YoucanalsoadjustthelightinglevelfromanyotherSeaTalkinstrument or control unit Notes 1 Whenyouswitchoff the unityoulose anychangesyouhave made to the lightinglevel Adjustingthecontrast Tosetthedisplaycont...

Page 25: ...rnstothe previousmodeifyoudonotpressa buttonfor10seconds Note ifyoupressanothermode buttonwithin10secondsyouwill selectthe mode as signedtothatbutton forexample auto selectsAutomode standbyselectsStandby mode 81283_1 book Page 15 Monday October 2 2006 2 03 PM ...

Page 26: ...16 S1 Wheel and Tiller Pilots Operating Guide 81283_1 book Page 16 Monday October 2 2006 2 03 PM ...

Page 27: ...Pilottoasuitable navigationsystemprovidingSeaTalkorNMEAinformation SeeSmartPilot CommissioningGuideforconnectiondetails YourSmartPilotsystemcanreceiveroute informationfrom aSeaTalk navigationinstrumentorchartplotter anavigationsystemtransmittingdatainNMEA0183format HowdoIactivateTrackmode CAUTION Makesuitablepreparationsforenteringtrackmode WhenyouenterTrackmode theSmartPilotwillbringtheboat ontot...

Page 28: ...ode pressingstandbytosteermanuallyinStandbymode Crosstrackerror Crosstrackerror XTE isthedistancebetweenthecurrentpositionandaplanned route The SmartPilotreceivesthecross trackerrorinformationfromthe navigationequipment anddisplaystheXTEinnauticalmiles nm statutemiles SM orkilometres km Crosstrackerrorcoursecorrection Theautopilotwillautomaticallysteer tocorrectthecourse wheneverit detectsa crosst...

Page 29: ...ntmaybedifferentfromthatexpected Example TRUE TRUE Cross track error Cross track error Target Waypoint Target Waypoint Example1 Initial turn toward waypoint Example2 Initial turn away from actual waypoint position D9416 1 Course correction 81283_1 book Page 19 Monday October 2 2006 2 03 PM ...

Page 30: ...treamcompensation Undermostconditions theSmartPilotwillholdtheselectedtracktowithin 0 05 nm 300ft orbetter Ittakesaccountoftheboat sspeedwhencomputingcourse changestoensureoptimumperformance Waypoint 1 Waypoint 2 Cross track error XTE more than 0 3 nm D5415 4 Planned route Actual route D3261 4 Waypoint 2 Waypoint 1 Boat s speed over ground Tidal component Boat s speed through water 81283_1 book Pa...

Page 31: ...pointAdvance NEXT WPT screen Thisshowsthenewbearingtothe next waypointandthedirectionthe boatwillturntoacquire thenewtrack How do I get to the next waypoint in a route Whenthe WaypointAdvancewarningsounds theSmartPilotsuspendsTrack mode andmaintainsthecurrentboatheading Toadvancetothe nextwaypoint 1 Checkthatitissafetoturnontothenewtrack 2 Pressthe track button ThiswillcanceltheWaypointAdvancewarn...

Page 32: ...quisitionbypressing trackfromAuto yourequestwaypointadvancebypressing trackfor1secondinTrackmode withSeaTalknavigatorsonly the boatarrivesatthe targetandthenavigatoracceptsthenextwaypoint youactivate the ManOverboard MOB function see page 28 Whenthealarmsounds the SmartPilotcontinues onitscurrentheadingbut displays the bearingtothenextwaypoint the directiontheboatwillturntotakeupthatbearing How do...

Page 33: ...hefollowingsources SeaTalk windinstrumentconnectedtotheautopilotviaSeaTalk NMEAwindinstrument Raymarinepushpitwindvane connectedviaaSeaTalkinterface Trueandapparentwind SmartPilotscanmaintainacourserelativetoeither anapparentortruewind angle inWindVane mode Thedefaultsettingisapparentwind Ifrequired youcanchangethistotruewind inUserCalibration see page 31 WindTrim InWindVanemodetheSmartPilotuses W...

Page 34: ...WindVanemode YoucanleaveWindVanemodeby pressingauto toreturntoAutomode pressingstandby toreturntomanualcontrol HowdoIadjustthelockedwindangle Youcanadjustthelockedwindanglebyusingthe 1 1 10 and 10 buttonsto changecourse Forexample tobearawayby10 whentheboatisonastarboard tack press 10 toturnthe boat10 toport thelockedwindangleandlocked headingwillbothchangeby10 the autopilotwillthenadjustthelocked...

Page 35: ...ningandreturntothe previousheading adjustthe lockedwindangleusingthe 1 1 10 and 10 buttons press standby toreturntohandsteering steerontotherequiredhead ing andpressstandby andauto togethertoreturntoWindVanemode withthenewwindangle HowdoIuseAutoTackinWindVanemode Note IfyouusetheAutoTackfunctioninWindVanemode makesurethewindvanehas beencenteredaccurately TheSmartPilothasabuiltinautomatictackfacili...

Page 36: ...erCalibration see page30 OperatinghintsforWindVanemode Alwaystrimyoursailscarefullytominimizetheamount of standinghelm Reeftheheadsailandmainsailalittleearlyratherthantoolate InWindVanemodetheSmartPilotwillreacttolong termwindshifts butwill notcorrectforshort termchangessuchasgusts Ingustyandunsteadyinshoreconditions itis besttosailafewdegreesfur theroff thewindsothatchangesinwinddirectioncanbetol...

Page 37: ...value 2 Thedirection to steerarrowsrelatetothedatapage information 3 Mostdatapagesshow repeateddata soyoucannotadjustthem the exceptionsaretheRESPONSEand RUDDERGAINdatapages whichyoucanadjustusingthe 1 and 1 buttons CanIdisplayWaypointnames If waypointshavebeengivennames theSmartPilotcontrollerwilldisplaythem ontheCross TrackError XTE BearingToWaypoint BTW andDistanceTo Waypoint DTW data pages way...

Page 38: ...isemorethanonealarm Whenyou havedealtwiththefirstalarm the autopilotwilldisplaythe nextalarm Message Descriptionandpossibleactions LARGEXTE Largecrosstrackerror Activatedwhenthe crosstrack error exceeds0 3nm The alarm clearsif the headingrecovers MOB ManOverBoardalarm The SmartPilotactivatesthe ManOverboardalarmifitreceivesa manoverboard MOB message fromanotherinstrumentonthe SeaTalk system Itdisp...

Page 39: ...ance alternatively youcancancel the alarm withoutacceptingthe waypointadvance bypressing standbytoreturn tohand steering orautotoreturntoAutomode Note Waypoint advance onlyoperatesif the Smartpilot isreceiv ingvalidbearingtowaypoint andwaypointnumberinformation OFFCOURSE PT orStb Off coursealarm Whenthe vesselhasbeenoffcourse fromthe locked headingfor longer than20seconds PT Deviationtoport Stb De...

Page 40: ...ttononce thedisplaywillnow show USERCAL 3 Press auto toenterUserCalibration Thefirstpage of UserCalibrationwillnowbedisplayed 4 ToaccessotherUserCalibrationpages pressdisp toscrolldownthroughthe itemswithinthatgrouping 5 Whenyoureachanitemyouwishtoadjust usethe 1 1 10 and 10 but tons tochangethevalue 6 Whenyouhavemade allthechangesyouwanttomake pressandhold standby fortwosecondstoexitcalibrationmo...

Page 41: ...trols therelationshipbetweencoursekeepingaccuracyandtheamountof helm drive activity Youcanmaketemporarychangestoresponseduringnormaloperation as describedin Chapter 1 SmartPilotOperation Screen Text Options GYBESTOP ON Default Gybe inhibiton gybesprevented OFF Gybeinhibitoff gybespermitted Options WINDAPP Default SmartPilotsteersto apparent wind angle WINDTRUE SmartPilotsteersto truewindangle Scre...

Page 42: ...hpassage inopen watersasthe SmartPilotmay fight the sea levels6to4shouldgivegoodcoursekeepingwithcrisp well controlledturnsundernormal operatingconditions levels3to1minimizestheamountofpilotactivity This conservespower butmaycompromise short termcourse keeping accuracy ScreenText Options VARIATION Applyheadingcorrectiontoallowforvarianceofmagnetic north DegreesNorth South East West Notnormallyused...

Page 43: ...rinstruments checkcabling Displayshowsrotatingdashes Compasscalibrationinprogress see SmartPilot CommissioningGuide Displayedcompassheading doesnotagreewiththeboat s compass Youhavenotcalibratedthecompass Carryoutthe deviationandalignmentprocedures see SmartPilot CommissioningGuide Nodisplaybaronthedisplay Rudderbarswitchedoff in DisplayCalibration selectRUDDBARorSTEERBAR Rudderbardisplaymovesin o...

Page 44: ...ration protectionfeatureinDealerCalibration see SmartPi lotCommissioningGuide TheSmartPilotwillnot talk tootherSeaTalkinstruments Cablingproblem make sure allthe cablesare con nectedproperly Positioninformation not received Navigatornottransmittingthe correct positiondata TheSmartPilotwillnotauto advancetothenextwaypoint Nobearing towaypointinformationreceivedfrom the navigator Non Raymarine24 V a...

Page 45: ... AutoLearnfailed probably due todrive orcompassfailure Repeat the AutoLearnprocedure MOTPOW SWAPPED Motorcablesareconnectedtopowerterminals andpowercables are connectedtomotorterminals atcourse computer Turnoff powerandswapoverconnections NODATA Caused byanyof the followingsituations thecompassisnotconnected theautopilot isin WindVanemode andithasnotreceivedwind angle data for30seconds theautopilo...

Page 46: ...kecarewhencleaningthedisplay Avoidwipingthedisplay screenwithadryclothasthiscouldscratchthescreencoating If necessary useonlyamilddetergent Neverusechemicalorabrasivematerialstocleanthecontroller If it is dirty wipe itwithaclean dampcloth Incertainconditions condensationmayappearinsidethedisplayscreen This willnotharmtheunit andyoucanclearitbyswitchingontheilluminationfor ashorttime RGFAIL GyroPlu...

Page 47: ...ngs anddrivebelt Do not lubricate any part of the wheel drive It is designed to run without lubrication 4 Replacethefront coverthenfitwheeldrivebackontothewheel 5 Fitthewheelandwheeldriveback ontothe pedestal 6 Cleanthewheeldrivecase usingmilddetergentifnecessary thenflush thoroughlywithfreshwater Adjustingtheclutch YouneedtoadjusttheclutchifthedrivebeltslipsinAutomode ordrags in Standbymode Innor...

Page 48: ...edrivebeltisdesignedtobeuserserviceable Ifthereisinsufficientadjustment tocureaslippingclutch orif thedrivebeltisdamagedinanyway if it is broken frayedorstretched youshouldreplace thedrivebelt Youcanobtaina replacementbeltfromanyRaymarinedealer partnumberA18083 Fitting instructions are suppliedwiththe belt User serviceable parts Youcanobtainthefollowing4000mk2wheeldrivesparepartsfromyour Raymarine...

Page 49: ...enttheequipment from beingaffectedbyexternalinfluences Ingeneralthiswillnotdamagethe equipmentbutitcanleadtospuriousresettingaction ormomentarilymay resultinfaultyoperation Product support Raymarineprovidesa comprehensivecustomersupportservice ontheworld widewebandbytelephonehelpline Pleaseuseeitherofthesefacilitiesifyouare unabletorectifyaproblem World wide web PleasevisittheCustomerSupportareaof...

Page 50: ...4 0 2392661228 fax Help us to help you Whenrequestingservice pleasequotethefollowingproductinformation Equipmenttype Modelnumber Serialnumber Softwareissue number Thefollowingillustrationshowshowtodisplaythesoftwareinformation pressandholdstandbyfor4seconds after2seconds youwillsee the DISPLAYCALscreen thenafteranother2secondsyouseecontrollersoftwareversion press disptodisplaythecomputersoftware v...

Page 51: ...are informationforyourSmartPilot SerialNumber SoftwareVersion SmartPilotController SmartPilotComputer HoursUsed hours TRUE 4 seconds Software information 1 second 1 second Control unit software version Time autopilot used in Auto Course computer software version 1 second D5493 3 81283_1 book Page 41 Monday October 2 2006 2 03 PM ...

Page 52: ...42 S1 Wheel and Tiller Pilots Operating Guide 81283_1 book Page 42 Monday October 2 2006 2 03 PM ...

Page 53: ...ination 3brightnesslevels off Inputconnections SeaTalk x2 andNMEA 0183 Outputconnections SeaTalk x2 CEapprovals conformsto 89 336 EC EMC EN60945 1997 SmartPilotcomputer S1TillerPilot andgyroupgradedWheelPilot WheelPilot withoutgyroupgrade InternalGyroPlusyaw sensor Enhancedcourse keepingusingAST FastTrim Full accessto AutoLearn providing automatic steeringcalibration Improvedtrack keeping Steersto...

Page 54: ...erthe autopilotappliestotrytoprevent theboatfromyawingoffcourse Highercounterruddersettingsresultinmore rudderbeingapplied CRpump ConstantRunning hydraulic pump DC Directcurrent EMC Electromagnetic Compatibility Whenpoweredup allelectricalequipmentproduceselectromagnetic fields These cancause adjacentpiecesofelectrical equipment tointeractwithone another andthiscandegrade theirperformance Byfollow...

Page 55: ...twillapplytocorrect course errors Thehigherthe settingthe more rudderwillbe applied SeaTalk SeaTalk isRaymarine sproprietarycommunication system Itlinksthe prod uctstoprovide asingle integratedsystemsharingpoweranddata SeaTalkbus Thisreferstothe continuousSeaTalk systemconnectingtogethera seriesof Raymarine units SM Statute land mile VHF VeryHighFrequency radio WindTrim WindTrim windresponse contr...

Page 56: ...46 S1 Wheel and Tiller Pilots Operating Guide 81283_1 book Page 46 Monday October 2 2006 2 03 PM ...

Page 57: ...ment 37 Contrast 14 Controller Specifications 43 Coursechanges 7 Crosstrack error Explanation 18 LARGE XTEwarning 20 28 Currentlimitalarm 35 D Data pages 27 Display Contrast 14 Illumination 14 Dodgingobstacles 8 Drivestoppedalarm 35 F Faultfinding 33 Followingaroute 17 G Glossary 44 45 Gybe inhibit 12 30 GyroPlusfail alarm 36 H Helplines 40 I Illumination 14 K Keypad Illumination 14 Keypadfunction...

Page 58: ...level 31 Usercalibration 30 Windtype 31 WindTrim 31 Shallow Alarm 29 SmartPilot Disengaging 7 Engaging 6 Functions 1 Specifications 43 Standby Mode 7 Switchingon off 3 T Technicalsupport 39 Trackmode 17 Crosstrack error 18 Dodge 21 Nextwaypoint 22 Route completed 22 Safety 17 Tidalcompensation 20 Waypoint names 27 U UserCalibration 30 W Waypoint Advance 21 Advance warning 22 Arrival 21 Skipping 22...
