This location provides optimal performance (above decks).
In this location, performance may be less effective.
This location is NOT recommended.
Vessel construction
The construction of your vessel can have an impact on performance. For example, the proximity of
heavy structures such as a structural bulkhead, or the interior of larger vessels may result in a reduced
signal. The construction materials can also have an impact. In particular, steel, aluminium or carbon
surfaces can impact performance. Before locating equipment with an internal antenna below decks,
or on a steel, aluminium or carbon construction vessel or surface, seek professional assistance.
Prevailing conditions
The weather and location of the vessel can affect performance. Typically calm clear conditions
provide a more accurate position fix. Vessels at extreme northerly or southerly latitudes may also
receive a weaker signal. An antenna mounted below decks will be more susceptible to performance
issues related to the prevailing conditions.