R/C Rayline R20C Heli Cam 2.4 GHz 3-Kanal Helikopter mit Kamera
Charge the helicopter
Turn off the helicopter before charging out always. Now connect the supplied charger to the
charging socket on the helicopter then connect the AC adapter into a 230V outlet.
Disconnect the battery by using the model of helicopter. This prevents deep discharge of the
battery. Remove the batteries from the remote control if you do not want to use the model
for a long time.
Battery safety information
Charge the battery only with the supplied AC adapter.
If the battery is very hot during the charging process, it means that the battery from
overcharging. If this is the case, stop charging.
Always monitor the charging process.
Manipulate or disassemble never batteries.
After flight, the battery is too hot, wait for about 30 minutes until the battery has cooled
down before charging it again.
Turn the helicopter if you do not use him. Prepare the helicopter for a long time not to use,
charge the battery before about 1 hour before storing it.
Always make sure the plug of the battery or batteries in the correct polarity
Preperation for flight
Connect the plug of the battery to the battery connector on the side of the helicopter. Now,
the status light flashes on the helicopter very quickly. Place the helicopter on a plane now.
Now switch on the remote control. Now push the left lever (throttle) to the front and
bottom. The status light on the remote control flashes rapidly during the connection process.
Once the remote is connected to the helicopter, both status lights lit.
Go to the connection process step by step, otherwise can not be contacted.
The connection between the remote control model and separated, the process must be