Ravelli Hydro Use And Maintenance Manual Download Page 52




ESP-Información para la gestión de residuos de aparatos eléctricos y electrónicos con pilas y 


Este símbolo que aparece en el producto, en las pilas, los acumuladores o en su embalaje o su documentación 

indica que el producto y las pilas o acumuladores que contiene, al final de su vida útil, no deben recogerse, 

recuperarse o desecharse junto con los residuos domésticos. 

Una gestión inadecuada de los residuos de aparatos eléctricos y electrónicos, pilas o acumuladores podría provocar 

la liberación de sustancias peligrosas contenidas en los productos. Para evitar posibles daños para el medio 

ambiente o la salud, se recomienda al usuario que separe este aparato y/o las pilas o acumuladores que contiene 

de otros tipos de residuos y lo entregue al servicio municipal encargado de la recogida. Se puede solicitar al 

distribuidor la recogida de los residuos de aparatos eléctricos y electrónicos en las condiciones y de acuerdo con 

las modalidades establecidas por las normas nacionales de transposición de la Directiva 2012/19/UE. 

La recogida diferenciada y el tratamiento correcto de los aparatos eléctricos y electrónicos, de las pilas y los 

acumuladores favorecen la conservación de los recursos naturales, el respeto del medio ambiente y garantizan la protección de la salud. 

Para obtener más información sobre las modalidades de recogida de los residuos de aparatos eléctricos y electrónicos, de las pilas y los 

acumuladores es necesario acudir a los ayuntamientos o las autoridades públicas competentes para la concesión de autorizaciones. 

PRT-Informações sobre a gestão dos resíduos de equipamentos elétricos e eletrónicos contendo pilhas e acumuladores 

Este símbolo no produto, pilhas, acumuladores ou respetiva embalagem ou documentação indica que, no final do seu ciclo de vida útil, o produto 

e as pilhas ou acumuladores incluídos não devem ser recolhidos, recuperados nem eliminados conjuntamente com o lixo doméstico. 

Uma gestão imprópria dos resíduos de equipamentos elétricos e eletrónicos, pilhas ou acumuladores pode causar a libertação de substâncias 

perigosas contidas nos produtos. A fim de evitar eventuais danos para o ambiente ou para a saúde, o utilizador é convidado a separar este 

equipamento e/ou pilhas ou acumuladores incluídos de outros tipos de resíduos e a depositá-los no serviço municipal de recolha de lixo. É possível 

requisitar a recolha dos resíduos de equipamentos elétricos e eletrónicos pelo distribuidor segundo as condições e modalidades previstas pelas 

normas nacionais de transposição da diretiva 2012/19/UE. 

A recolha separada e o correto tratamento dos equipamentos elétricos e eletrónicos e respetivas pilhas e acumuladores favorecem a conservação 

dos recursos naturais, o respeito do ambiente e a proteção da saúde. 

Para mais informações sobre as modalidades de recolha dos resíduos de equipamentos elétricos e eletrónicos, pilhas e acumuladores, dirija-se à 

sua Câmara Municipal ou à autoridade pública competente para a emissão das autorizações.  



Πληροφορίες για τη διαχείριση αποβλήτων ηλεκτρικού και ηλεκτρονικού εξοπλισμού, μπαταριών και συσσωρευτών


Αυτό το σύμβολο που εμφανίζεται στο προϊόν, στις μπαταρίες, στους συσσωρευτές στη συσκευασία ή στα έγγραφα υποδεικνύει ότι το


προϊόν στο 

τέλος της ωφέλιμης ζωής του δεν πρέπει να συλλέγεται, να ανασύρεται ή να απορρίπτεται με τα οικιακά απορρίμματα.


Ο  ακατάλληλος  χειρισμός  των  αποβλήτων  ηλεκτρικού  και  ηλεκτρονικού  εξοπλισμού,  μπαταρίες  ή  συσσωρευτές  μπορεί  να  οδηγήσει  στην


απελευθέρωση επικίνδυνων ουσιών που περιέχονται στο προϊόν. Προκειμένου να αποφευχθεί τυχόν μόλυνση στο περιβάλλον ή ασθένεια, ο χρήστης 

ενθαρρύνεται να διαχωρίσει αυτόν τον εξοπλισμό ή/και τις μπαταρίες ή τους συσσωρευτές που περιλαμβάνονται από άλλα είδη αποβλήτων και να


το παραδώσει στην υπηρεσία δημοτικών συλλογών. Είναι δυνατόν να ζητηθεί από τον διανομέα η συλλογή αποβλήτων ηλεκτρικού και ηλεκτρονικού 

εξοπλισμού που πρέπει να πραγματοποιηθεί σύμφωνα με τους όρους και με τις διαδικασίες που θεσπίζονται από τις εθνικές διατάξεις εφαρμογής 

της οδηγίας 2012/19/ΕΕ.


Η χωριστή συλλογή και η σωστή επεξεργασία ηλεκτρικού και ηλεκτρονικού εξοπλισμού, μπαταριών και συσσωρευτών ευνοούν τη διατήρηση των 

φυσικών πόρων, τον σεβασμό για το περιβάλλον και την προστασία της υγείας.


Για  περισσότερες  πληροφορίες  σχετικά  με  τον  τρόπο  συλλογής  των  αποβλήτων  ηλεκτρικού  και  ηλεκτρονικού  εξοπλισμού,  μπαταριών  και 

συσσωρευτών είναι απαραίτητο να επικοινωνήσετε με τους δήμους ή τις δημόσιες αρχές που είναι αρμόδιες για την έκδοση των αδειών.


DNK-Informationer til behandling af affald fra elektriske og elektroniske udstyr der indeholder batterier og akkumulatorer 

Dette symbol, der vises på produktet, på batterierne eller på akkumulatorerne,  på indpakningen eller i dokumentationen, angiver at selve 

produkt, nå dets levetid er opbrugt, ikke skal opsamles, genvindes eller bortskaffes sammen med normalt husholdningsaffald.   

En ukorrekt behandling af affald fra elektriske eller elektroniske udstyr, af batterier og akkumulatorer, risikerer at udlede farlige stoffer indeholdt 

i produktet. For at forebygge ventuelle skader for miljøet eller sundheden, bedes brugeren om at behandle dette udstyr, og/eller de medfølgende 

batterier eller akkumulatorerne  separat fra andre affaldstyper, og at levere det til det kommunale opsamlingscenter, eller at anmode leverandøren 

om opsamling, i henhold til forskrifterne, der er angivet i de nationale forordninger til gennemførelse af Direktivet 2012/19/EF. 

Den separate opsamling og genvinding af de nedslidte elektriske og elektroniske udstyr, af batterierne og af akkumulatorerne,  fremmer 

bevarelsen af de naturlige ressourcer, og sikrer at dette affald behandles ved at tage hensyn til miljøets og sundhedens varetagelse. 

Til yderligere informationer angående opsamling af affald fra elektriske og elektroniske udstyr, af batterier og akkumulatorer, er det nødvendigt 

at rette henvendelse til Kommunerne eller til de ansvarlige myndigheder til udstedelse af bemyndigelserne.  


Informacje dotyczące zarządzania odpadami sprzętu elektrycznego i elektronicznego zawierającego baterie i akumulatory


Niniejszy symbol znajdujący się na produkcie, bateriach, akumulatorach, na ich opakowaniu lub na dokumentacji, wskazuje, że produkt, baterie 

lub akumulatory po zakończeniu okresu użytkowania nie mogą być zbierane, odzyskiwane lub utylizowane wraz z odpadami komunaln


Niewłaściwe  postępowanie  ze  zużytym  sprzętem  elektrycznym  i  elektronicznym,  bateriami  lub  akumulatorami  może  powodować  uwolnienie 

niebezpiecznych substancji zawartych w produktach. Celem uniknięcia jakichkolwiek szkód dla środowiska lub zdrowia, użytkowni

k proszony jest 

o odseparowanie niniejszego 

sprzętu i/lub dołączonych baterii lub akumulatorów od innych rodzajów odpadów i dostarczenia go do miejskiego 

punktu zbierania odpadów. Możliwe jest zwrócenie się z prośbą do dystrybutora o odebranie odpadów sprzętu elektrycznego i ele


na war

unkach i zgodnie z procedurami ustanowionymi przez przepisy krajowe transponujące dyrektywę 2012/19/UE.


Oddzielna  zbiórka  i  prawidłowe  przetwarzanie  sprzętu  elektrycznego  i  elektronicznego,  baterii  i  akumulatorów  sprzyja  ochronie


naturalnych, posza

nowaniu środowiska i zapewnieniu ochrony zdrowia.


Aby uzyskać więcej informacji dotyczących zbiórki zużytego sprzętu elektrycznego i elektronicznego, baterii i akumulatorów, należy skontaktować 

się z władzami miejskimi lub organami publicznymi odpowiedzialnymi za wydawanie zezwoleń.




Informacije o ravnanju z odpadno električno in elektronsko opremo, ki vsebuje baterije in akumulatorje


Ta simbol, ki se nahaja na izdelku, baterijah, akumulatorjih ali na njihovi embalaži ali v dokumentaciji, označuje, da se po


izteku življenjske dobe 

izdelka ter baterij ali akumulatorjev, ki jih izdelek vsebuje, ne sme zbirati, predelati ali odstranjevati skupaj z odpadki iz gospodinjstev. 

Neprimerno ravnanje z odpadno električno in elektronsko opremo, baterijami ali akumulatorji lahko povzroči izpust nevarnih snovi, ki jih vsebujejo 

izdelki. Da bi preprečili morebitne škodljive vplive na okolje ali zdravje, uporabnike pozivamo, da tovrstno opremo in/ali ba

terije ali akumulatorje, 

ki jih oprema vsebuje, ločujejo od drugih vrst odpadkov ter jih oddajo občinski službi za zbiranje odpadkov. Od distributerja lahko zahtevate 

prevzem  odpadne  električne  in  elektronske  opreme  pod  pogoji  in  na  načine,  skladno  s  katerimi  je  bila  Direktiva  2012/19/EU  pre

nesena v 

nacionalno zakonodajo. 

Ločevanje in ustrezna obdelava električnih in elektronskih naprav, baterij in akumulatorjev pripomoreta k ohranjanju naravnih virov, spoštovanju 

okolja ter zagotavljata varovanje zdravja. 

Za dodatne informacije o načinih zbiranja odpadne električne in elektronske opreme, baterij in akumulatorjev se obrnite na občine ali na javne 

organe, ki so pristojni za izdajanje dovoljenj. 

Summary of Contents for Hydro

Page 1: ...USE AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL HYDRO Handheld Touch Radio Hydro...

Page 2: ......

Page 3: ...n do not discard it without reading it Incorrect installation maintenance and improper use of the product relieve the Manufacturer of all liability deriving from use of the stove For further informati...

Page 4: ...12 Safety devices 13 SHIPPING AND INSTALLATION 14 Safety warnings for transportation and installation 14 Set ups for the smoke evacuation system 15 Installation 16 CONNECTIONS 19 Chimney connection 19...

Page 5: ...ption of menu functions 34 Setting 38 Anti condensation system 39 Stove phase general layout 40 MAINTENANCE 45 Safety warnings for maintenance 45 Cleaning 45 Extraordinary maintenance 46 Failure cases...

Page 6: ...glass the gaskets the paint job the stainless steel or cast iron combustion grille the resistance the Majolica cladding the aesthetic parts any damages caused by unsuitable installation and or use of...

Page 7: ...ied therefore if any inconsistency arises it will be necessary to follow the text in the original language or contact our Technical Documentation Office Symbols used in the manual symbol definition Th...

Page 8: ...brigade Only use original spare parts Any tampering and or replacementsthathavenotbeenauthorisedbyRavellicanpose a danger to the user s safety In the event of particularly adverse weather conditions...

Page 9: ...ed in the contract and herein the operating manual procedures are followed routine maintenance is carried out according to the times and methods set forth extraordinary maintenance is promptly carried...

Page 10: ...stove to a regulation chimney provide a suitable system for the supply of combustion air air intake or intake duct for watertight stoves always perform maintenance with the stove off and cold perform...

Page 11: ...e distance Ravelli recommends using wood pellet classified A1 and A2 according to the EN ISO 17225 2 2014 standard or certified DIN PLUS more restrictive than the A1 class or ONORM M 7135 Pellet may b...

Page 12: ...tove is in the OFF state If one of them is not closed the pellet supply is interrupted the control unit emits an acoustic warning signal while the symbol ap pears on the display In this condition by t...

Page 13: ...y systems required by the standards It should be noted that the stove s operating program has been designed to stop stove operation in the event of malfunctions Anomalies Description Temperature in th...

Page 14: ...mpatibility has a priority over any other assembly or installation operation Local administrative regulations and particular requirements of the authorities pertaining to the installation of combustio...

Page 15: ...g the following regulations it must observe product standard EN 1856 1 it must be made of materials that are suitable to guarantee resistance against normal mechanical chemical and thermal stress and...

Page 16: ...ion in the presence of other combustion appliances or VMC system it is necessary to check the appliance for correct operation The stove must be placed inside living quarters It must never be installed...

Page 17: ...stalled externally there is another one installed so that the outside section can be inspected It is prohibited to install two 90 bend since the ashes would quickly obstruct smoke passage causing drau...

Page 18: ...ial segment since the ashes would quickly obstruct smoke passage causing draught problems in the stove See Fig 2 INTERNAL CHIMNEY Fig 5 Protection from rain Covering sheet Air tight steel sheet metal...

Page 19: ...nctions of the electronic board with display Pressure indicator integrated in the functions of the electronic board with display Acoustic alarm integrated in the functions of the electronic board Auto...

Page 20: ...It is recommended that authorized personnel pay special attention to the electrical connections after any work on the product Switch Power plug Fuse Connection of external probe or thermostat To manag...

Page 21: ...er pump C1 Booster pump Three way valve V1 Domestic hot water DHW V2 Heating Probes S Flue gas probe J S1 Probe H2O return Probe Buffer L S2 Flame probe K S3 External thermostat Room probe S4 Probe DH...

Page 22: ...agrams Connections for diagram 0 heating system only S3 Connections for diagram 0 and DHW Kit The optional kit is required to use this diagram G3 S3 V1 V2 N Connections for diagram 1 boiler The option...

Page 23: ...EN Connections for diagram 3 boiler buffer tank The optional kit is required to use this diagram S3 S1 S6 S4 Connections for home automation and gas boiler For all schemes to use the home automation c...

Page 24: ...is forbidden to connect a shut off valve to the safety drain outlet The water coming out of the safety valve could be hot Danger of burns and damage to people and things The manufacturer is not respo...

Page 25: ...only In this type of circuit the stove is directly connected to the heating system This is the default set diagram The diagram shown here is indicative and may not display all the components required...

Page 26: ...h if connected detects DHW being used If the thermo stove is in ECO STOP mode or in WATER STAND BY mode a request by the Boiler of flow meter is added to diagram 0 standard start up conditions The dia...

Page 27: ...lls below this value The advantage of using a buffer tank is that it regulates the operation of the thermo stove The buffer tank can be connected to other heat production units such as solar panels an...

Page 28: ...require the use of water softening systems The technician responsible for the plumbing installation is invited to check what is reported in the regulations in force System water load Once the plumbin...

Page 29: ...in the menu Select the desired language with the scroll buttons and confirm your selection with the confirmation button In order to operate correctly the handheld set should be interfaced with the el...

Page 30: ...ove the protective cover of the battery on the back of the remote control as shown in Figure A and insert the 3 batteries mini pen style battery AAA 1 5V in the housing of the handheld set and observe...

Page 31: ...After loading the auger and before lighting the stove always remember to empty the brazier and check that the brazier is clean Never empty the brazier inside the hopper After each maintenance operatio...

Page 32: ...In this way this part of the display is highlighted and the currently set temperature is shown With the UP and DOWN arrow keys it is possible to modify this value The confirmation of each change takes...

Page 33: ...is possible to change the DHW temperature set by touching the UP arrow key In this way this part of the display is highlighted and the currently set temperature is shown With the UP and DOWN arrow key...

Page 34: ...protecting the circuit especially when COMFORT CLIMATE function is not active on boiler H2O If the boiler is not in this condition it switches to STAND BY mode to guarantee protection of the hydrauli...

Page 35: ...ription of operation Set power These stoves have been designed to automatically adjust the power according to the thermal demand However you can choose to run it at minimum power using this function T...

Page 36: ...lets vary in grain size and composition even bags of pellets of the same brand can have different characteristics If combustion is not optimal vary the flow parameter to adjust the combustion air If a...

Page 37: ...the palmtop or on the external thermostat the stove activates the modulation phase If the temperature reached is maintained for a set period of time DELAY SWITCH OFF the stove switches off automatical...

Page 38: ...confirm button to enable or disable the function In Home mode instead of room temperature measured and settable appears the line T ON if the room in which the thermostat is installed has not reached t...

Page 39: ...mtop increasing or decreasing it by the set value offset Make this adjustment carefully and only after having checked deviations from the actual room temperature with a reliable instrument Anti conden...

Page 40: ...s at an operating capacity dedicated to DHW flow switch request with DHW kit or DHW boiler MODULATE H2O The desired boiler water set temperature has been reached ROOM TEMPERATURE MODULATION The room t...

Page 41: ...let setting set pellets 5 is near the continuous load condition SOLUTION Set the value back to 0 GENERIC ALARM The stove is in alarm state refer to the troubleshooting chapter ANOMALY general The stov...

Page 42: ...e maintenance is required on the stove Signalling Reason Solution CLEAN THE GRATE only if the RDS sys tem is installed The door and the ash box are not closed correctly Make sure they are closed prope...

Page 43: ...and suction during switch on phase is incorrect Contact the Support Service The ignition coil is faulty or positioned incorrectly Contact the Support Service AL 06 PELLETS FINISHED The pellet tank is...

Page 44: ...he value requested for correct operation If the problem persists contact the Support Service AL 17 NO FLOW only if the RDS system is installed The flow meter does not measure an input air flow Check w...

Page 45: ...parts before restarting operation The quality of the pellet the stove operating mode and combustion control can affect maintenance activity frequency Cleaning Perform the cleaning operations so as to...

Page 46: ...d Cleaning the pellet tank To clean the pellet tank proceed as follows step action 1 Periodically remove the wood sawdust accumulated on the bottom of the tank using a vacuum cleaner Extraction duct c...

Page 47: ...iled Replace the electronic board contact the Technical Assistance Service AL 15 The flame does not ignite Check that the igniter warms up Check and if necessary replace the igniter AL 05 Air inlet du...

Page 48: ...the smoke duct AL 08 The door is not closed perfectly or the gasket are worn Close the door and have the gaskets replaced with original ones AL 05 AL 06 The stove stops automatically Alarm presence Ch...

Page 49: ...does not work Remote control battery low Replace battery or connection to the stove via cable Faulty remote control Replace remote control The stove always works at maximum power Temperature not set...

Page 50: ...the room is clear of any obstructions and that there are no other combustion appliances or extraction hoods that create a vacuum in the room Difficult lighting closely follow the directions in the de...

Page 51: ...r s parer cet appareil et ou les piles ou les accumulateurs des autres types de d chets et de le confier au service municipal de collecte On peut demander au distributeur de pr lever le d chet d appar...

Page 52: ...r at forebygge ventuelle skader for milj et eller sundheden bedes brugeren om at behandle dette udstyr og eller de medf lgende batterier eller akkumulatorerne separat fra andre affaldstyper og at leve...

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Page 56: ...free to make any variations to the features of its products without notice Aico S p A Headquarter Via Consorzio Agrario 3 25032 Chiari BS Italy Research and Development Centre Viale del commercio 12 a...
