Using the Dry Storage Compartment
IMPORTANT: Roll the top edge of the dry bag over a couple
times before fastening the buckles. This compartment will
stay reasonably dry under normal circumstances. However,
please note that water may leak into this storage bag if the
kayak is tipped upside down or is left out in strong rain. Do
not store valuable articles in this bag if they must stay dry.
Deflating and Storing your Kayak
IMPORTANT: Let the kayak dry completely before deflating
and storing.
Step 1
Remove the backrest from kayak by unzipping it at the
bottom and unclip support straps from rings.
Step 2
Lay the kayak face up on a flat surface.
Make sure there are no sharp objects
under the product which might
puncture the tarpaulin cover or vinyl.
Remove the Boston valve in the back
and allow it to completely deflate.
Step 3:
Fold the kayak into thirds as shown and
role kayak starting at the front, working
your way towards the valve in the back.
Completely remove the valve to let any
remaining air escape.