Loosen the back focus lock screw with a small flat screwdriver.
Adjust the back focus height by turning the back focus adjustment ring
clockwise or anti-clockwise relative to the main housing until the camera
is in focus.
Tighten the back focus lock screw.
Tripod mount
The tripod mount is an optional component, and it can be unscrewed when it is
not needed. If it is needed, take care not to damage the ribbon when screwing
the tripod into the camera.
Connecting the High Quality Camera to a Raspberry Pi computer
Ensure your Raspberry Pi is switched off, then carefully release the plastic
catch on the Raspberry Pi’s camera connector. Insert the camera ribbon with
the contacts facing away from the catch. Once you have pushed the ribbon
in as far as it will go, push the catch back in. It is now safe to power up your
Raspberry Pi.
Operating the camera
First, enable the camera in Raspbian: in the Raspbian menu, select Preferences,
then Raspberry Pi Configuration. Click the Interfaces tab, find the Camera
entry in the list, and select Enabled. Click OK, and reboot your Raspberry Pi
when prompted.
is a command line tool for capturing camera images. To check
your camera is correctly installed, open a terminal window (Raspbian menu >
Accessories > Terminal) and take a test photograph by entering the command:
raspistill -o test.jpg
When you hit ENTER a live preview image will appear, and after a default period
of five seconds, the camera will capture a single still image. This will be saved
in your home folder and named test.jpg.
To use the camera just as a viewfinder, without saving a photo, use this
raspistill -t 0
For more detailed information about installing and operating camera software,
refer to https://www.raspberrypi.org/documentation/configuration/camera.md.
For more advanced information about controlling the camera, see
Alternatively, refer to The Official Raspberry Pi Camera Guide, published by
Raspberry Pi High Quality Camera
Getting Started