Hardware Installation
PixelStor 5000 User Manual
Rev. 1, May 2013
dastonith - force reboot of remote controller
dasysalert - enable or disable blinking lights
daum - upgrade or manage kernel images
davd - manage virtual disks
daversion - display versions of kernel images and boot image
Use dahost to add or delete host entries from the system.
dahost - define or manage host.
dahost [Options] [Parameter Options]
-a: add a new entry
-m: modify an entry
-d: delete an entry
-l: print out all the entries
Parameter Options:
-b [type]: 0 is iSCSI, 1 is FC, 2 is SAS
-w [host's WWN]: World Wide Name
-u [user name]: empty by default
-o [host OS type]: 0 is Windows by default, 1 is Linux, 2 is Others
-n [host name]: host name
-i [host ip address]: empty by default
-p [initiator secret]: empty by default
-s [target secret]: empty by default
-t ["comments"]: empty by default
Option Requirements:
option a requires: w and n are mandatory. i,u,p,s and t is optional
option d requires: w or n
option m requires: w are mandatory, u,o,n,i,p,s and t is optional
WWN (-w) can not be changed
Command Examples:
dahost -a -w 0x0210000E0802DE2f -b 1 -n server2