On the upper left corner, the MAC address of the eRIC II is displayed. To detect the MAC ad-
dress manually, press the button ”Refresh Devices”. The displayed MAC address is the same
MAC address printed on the white sticker placed on the back of the eRIC II. If the eRIC II is
connected via USB, it is classified as an USB device and an appropriate drive letter is chosen
for this device.
On the lower right corner of the window, there are two buttons: ”Query Device” and ”Setup
Device”. Press the ”Query Device”button to display the preconfigured values of the network
configuration. The values are displayed in the text fields located above. If necessary, adjust
the network settings to your needs. To save the changes enter an user name and an according
password. Then press the ”Setup Device” button. To close the window and accept the changes,
press the ”OK” button, otherwise ”Cancel”.
Web Interface
The eRIC II may be accessed using a standard Java enabled web browser. You may use the
HTTP protocol or a secure encrypted connection via HTTPS. Just enter the configured IP ad-
dress of the eRIC II into your web browser. The initial login settings are:
, Password:
Changing these settings to user specific values is strongly recommended and can be done on
the User Settings page.
Remote Console
The Remote Console is the redirected screen, keyboard and mouse of the remote host system in
which the eRIC II is installed. The web browser which is used for accessing the eRIC II has to
supply a Java Runtime Environment version 1.1 or higher. However, we strongly recommend
to install Sun JVM 1.4. The Remote Console will behave exactly the same way as if you were
sitting directly in front of the screen of your remote system. That means that both the keyboard
and mouse can be used in the usual way. Open the console by clicking the preview picture on
the main site of the HTML frontend. The picture below shows the top of the Remote Console.
There are some options to choose from the menu, the important ones are the following:
Sync Mouse
Choose this option in order to synchronize the local with the remote
mouse cursor. This is especially necessary when using accelerated mouse
settings on the host system. In general, there is no need to change mouse
settings on the host.
Video Settings in Options Menu
This opens a new window with elements to control the eRIC II Video Set-
tings. You can change some values, for instance related to brightness and
contrast of the picture displayed, which may improve the video quality.
At first start, if the local mouse pointer is not synchronized with the remote mouse
pointer, press the Auto Adjust Button once.
Quick Start Guide
Based on firmware 04.00.01
Last revision: 2nd February 2005
We do not ship a printed manual on default. For detailed information please refer to the elec-
tronic manual provided as PDF file on the enclosed CD ROM. If you like to obtain a printed
version of the manual, do not hesitate to send an email to [email protected] in order to
receive your printed copy.
Copyright c
2004-2005 Peppercon AG, Zwickau (Saxony)