Dominion KX II - FAQ
© 2010 Raritan Inc.
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V1098 R2 January 2010
Can I upload my own digital
certificate to the Dominion
Yes. Customers can upload self-signed or certificate authority-provided
digital certificates to the Dominion KX II for enhanced authentication and
secure communication.
Smart Cards and CAC Authentication
Does Dominion KX II
support smart card and
CAC authentication?
Yes. Smart cards and DoD common access cards (CAC) authentication
to target servers is supported by Release 2.1.10 and greater.
What is CAC?
Mandated by Homeland Security Presidential Directive 12 (HSPD-12),
CAC is a type of smart card created by the U.S. government which is
used by U.S. military and government staff. The CAC card is a multi-
technology, multi-purpose card; the goal is to have a single identification
card. For more information, see the FIPS 201 standards.
Which KX II models support
smart cards/CAC?
All Dominion KX II models are supported. The Dominion KSX II and
KX II-101 do not currently support smart cards and CAC.
Do enterprise and SMB
customers use smart cards,
Yes. Although the most aggressive deployment of smart cards is in the
U.S. federal government.
Which CIMs support
smart card/CAC?
The D2CIM-DVUSB is the required CIM. This CIM must be upgraded
with the Release 2.1.10 firmware.
What firmware version is
Dominion KX II Release 2.1.10 and later is required.
Which smart card readers
are supported?
The required reader standards are USB CCID and PC/SC. Consult the
version 2.1.10 Release Notes for a list of certified readers and more
Can smart card/CAC
authentication work on the
local port and via
Yes. Smart card/CAC authentication works on both the local port and
via CommandCenter. For the local port, connect a compatible smart
card reader to the USB port of the Dominion KX II.
Are the Paragon smart card-
enabled UST & CIM used?
No. The P2-EUST/C and P2CIM-AUSB-C are not part of the Dominion
KX II solution.
Where can I get more
information on the KX II
smart card support?
See www.raritan.com/cac-reader/, version 2.1.10 Release Notes and
the Dominion KX II User Guide for more information.
Can Dominion KX II be
remotely managed and
configured via Web
Yes. Dominion KX II can be completely configured remotely via Web
browser. Note that this does require that the workstation have an
appropriate Java Runtime Environment (JRE) version installed. Besides
the initial setting of Dominion KX II’s IP address, everything about the
solution can be completely set up over the network. (In fact, using a
crossover Ethernet cable and Dominion KX II’s default IP address, you
can even configure the initial settings via Web browser.)