A . R eel C ontrol L ever - Used to operate the cutting
units. P us h lever(s) forward for forward rotation. P ull
lever(s) back for R evers e rotation. All three levers
mus t be in OF F position to start engine
B . Parking B rake L ever - P ull back to engage and
pus h forward to disengage parking brake. Always
disengage parking brake s lowly. Parking brake mus t
be engaged to s tart engine.
C . Trac tion L ever - Four Pos itions: T R ANS P OR T (2),
MOW (1), NE UT R AL (N) and R E V E R S E (R ).
Traction lever must be in NE UT R AL pos ition to s tart
D. Temperature G auge (Dies el Units ) - Indicates
engine coolant temperature. Normal operating
temperatures should be 185° - 195° F (85° - 91° C ).
E . Volt Meter - Us ed to monitor battery condition.
During normal operation, volt meter needle s hould
never be in the red area.
Ignition S witch - Us ed to start the engine. To
prevent unauthorized operation, remove the ignition
key when tractor is not in use
G . Mechanic’s (B acklap) S witch - Us ed to hone the
reels and bedknife.
H. L ight S witch (Optional) - Us ed to control operation
of optional light kit.
F us e, L ights - 20 Amp fus e, protecting light circuit.
J . F us e, C harging C ircuit (G as Units ) - 20 Amp fus e,
protecting charging circuit.
J . F us e, C harging C irc uit (Dies el Units ) - 30 Amp
fus e, P rotecting charging circuit.
K . F us e, Interlock S ys tem - 6 Amp fuse, protecting
Interlock S ys tem.
L . Parking B rake L ight - Light is always on when
parking brake is engaged. Do not move traction
lever out of neutral, or press accelerator pedal when
light is on.
M. E ngine Oil P res s ure L ight - Indicator will light if
engine oil pres s ure drops below a s afe level. S top
engine immediately, determine the caus e and
correct problem before res tarting engine.
N. T hrottle - R egulates E ngine S peed. P us h Lever
forward to increas e or pull lever back to decreas e
engine s peed.
O. C hoke (G as Units ) - P ull the choke control knob
upwards to close the choke plate when s tarting a
cold engine. A warm engine may not require
“C hoking” to start.
P. G low P lug S witc h (Dies el Units ) - Us ed to
energize the glow plugs. P ush toggle switch forward
and hold for 3 - 5 seconds, then release the switch.
Do not depres s the switch for more than 5 s econds.
Q . F us e, G low P lug (Dies el Units ) - 40 Amp fus e,
protecting glow plug circuit.
R . A cc elerator Pedal - Used to control s peed of the
tractor. Do not depres s pedal if parking brake light
(L ) is on.
R emove foot from pedal, the accelerator pedal will
return to neutral, and the machine will s top. T he s elf
braking action is in forward direction only.
S . B rake Pedal - Us ed to stop tractor when traveling in
R E VE R S E . R emove foot from accelerator and
depress brake pedal
T ilt C ontrol (G reens K ing IV P lus Units ) - Turn to
unlock tilt control lever and adjus t s teering wheel to
des ired angle then lock steering column in position.
U. Mow/L ift Pedal - Used to lift or lower the cutting
units. Depres s and hold front of pedal to lower
cutting units, or depres s and hold rear of pedal to
rais e cutting units
Note: When operating the mow/lift pedal, keep the
pedal depres s ed until the cutting units have been
fully lowered or rais ed, then releas e the pedal
V. Hour Meter - Us ed to time maintenance intervals or
mowing operations. The meter operates only when
ignition key is in R UN pos ition
W. S eat C ontrol L ever - Us ed to adjus t pos ition of
s eat. P ull lever forward and adjust s eat to
comfortable position. T hen release lever
X. Hydraulic C ap/Dips tick - Us ed to check level of
hydraulic fluid in tank. Level s hould always be at full
mark on dips tick
Y. F uel C ap - R emove cap to add fuel, or check fuel
level in tank. Always replace cap tightly.
Summary of Contents for greens king IV 62289
Page 2: ......
Page 4: ......
Page 5: ...1 SECTION 1 Specifications Product Infomation Engine Cutting Units Tractor...
Page 8: ......
Page 9: ...2 SECTION 2 Controls Contols Control Description...
Page 12: ......
Page 13: ...3 SECTION 3 Engine Engine specifications Engine oil Air filter...
Page 16: ......
Page 17: ...4 SECTION 4 STEERING Steering assembly Steering valve assembly...
Page 20: ......
Page 21: ...5 SECTION 5 WHEELS AND TYRES Tyre pressures Wheel and axle assembly...
Page 24: ......
Page 44: ......
Page 45: ...8 SECTION 8 PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE Lubrication chart Maintenance chart...
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Page 51: ...10 SECTION 10 NOTES...
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