Please remember it is important that you read
and heed the safety signs on the Loader and
Forks. Clean or replace all safety signs if they
cannot be clearly read and understood. They
are there for your safety, as well as the safety
of others. The safe use of this machine is
strictly up to you, the operator.
All things with moving parts are potentially
hazardous. There is no substitute for a
cautious, safe-minded operator who recog-
nizes potential hazards and follows reason-
able safety practices. The manufacturer has
designed these Forks to be used with all its
safety equipment properly attached, to mini-
mize the chance of accidents. Study this
manual to make sure you have all safety
equipment attached.
Fork attachments are designed to engage and
load palleted material. Do not use forks to
handle large loads such as bales, posts, etc.
and avoid carrying loose or shiftable loads.
Practice raising, lowering and tilting unit and
its load when learning to operate loader and
forks. Become familiar with controls before
If a safety shield or guard is removed for any
reason, it must be replaced before the ma-
chine is again operated.
Keep the loader arms and forks at a low
position when moving and when working on
Do not operate near the edge of drop-offs or
Do not operate at an angle on steep slopes.
Drive up or down but not across. Keep
bucket, forks and arms low.
Make allowances for increased length and
weight of tractor during operation and moving.
10. Remove all sticks, stones, roots, and wires
from working area before starting. Take care
not to contact overhead obstructions during
11. Never operate controls from the ground.
Operate only from the operators seat to
prevent unexpected loader and fork move-
ment that can lead to crushing between frame
12. Use extra care when handling large round
loads or other shiftable objects unless loader
and forks are equipped with an attachment
designed to secure objects. A grapple fork
anchor devise is recommended.
13. Large round loads or loose objects can roll
back down loader arms. Secure objects
before raising arms. Keep arms low.
14. Keep bucket/forks away from overhead power
lines. Electrocution can occur without direct
contact with an overhead power line.
15. Do not exceed machine lift capacity. Over-
loading can cause structural damage and lead
to unsafe operating conditions.
16. Never carry, lift or move people on arms, forks
or bucket. Do not use machine as a work
17. Always use two people to handle heavy,
unwieldy components during assembly,
installation, removal or moving.
18. Never place any part of your body where it
would be in danger if movement should occur
during assembly, installation, operation,
maintaining, repairing, removal or moving.
19. Do not walk or work under a raised machine
or attachment unless it is securely blocked or
held in position. Do not depend on the tractor
hydraulic system to hold the machine or
attachment in place.
20. Never use alcoholic beverages or drugs which
can hinder alertness or coordination while
operating this equipment. Consult your doctor
about operating this machine while taking
prescription medications.
21. Do not allow riders on the machine or tractor
at any time. There is no safe place for any
22. Do not go under raised loader or forks. Keep
others away.
23. Before you operate the machine, check over
all pins, bolts, and connections to be sure all
are securely in place. Replace any damaged
or worn parts immediately.
24. Review safety instructions annually.