RangerDisk 2 User Guide
4.4.9. Load from disk
Code <>FL
marked file
or files
into a file of the same name in the
and directory selected. If
file is marked, prompts for
source and destination filenames . Directory names may be inclu-
ded in the destination name, otherwise the selected device and
directory name will be used.
If the filename already exists in the Z88, it will be overwritten. If 1t
does not
it will be created.
Fetch from disk may be interrupted by pressing the 'ESC' key. If
the Z88 file
still being written, the result of this action will be to
close the file at the point that has been reached.
filenames can contain the characters
and 1. these characters are not permitted on
the Z88 and are changed to '-'when files are copied from disk to
Z88. In addition, disk filenames can only contain upper case alpha
characters, unlike the Z88 which allows both upper and lower case.
This difference can provide a useful indication as to the source of
files in the Z88: If a file with lower case characters in the name is
copied to the disk and then back to the Z88, the lower case
characters will be converted to upper case.
4.4.10. Erase File
Code <>ER
Erases marked file or files on the disk. If no file is marked, prompts
for filename.
4.4.11. Rename File
Code <>RE
Renames the disk file.
4.4.12. Create Disk Directory
Code <>CD
Allows creation of a disk directory. Once created, the directory
name will appear in the disk window in 'small print', to differentiate
it from a filename.
One reason to create sub-directories is to allow more' files to be
stored. In order to be compatible with DOS, RANGERDISK 2 limits
the number of files, including sub-directory names, to 112 in the
root directory. However, each sub-directory can hold numbers of
files limited only by disk space. In order to limit use of Z88 RAM
space, DISKFILER 2 displays only the first 254 filenames in any
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