Range Road Enterprises Ltd
Box 944
Eckville AB T0M 0X0
Trouble Shooting:
If the Tub/Deck comes down very slow it is usually because of an airlock which will usually work itself out after
raising and lowering the tub/deck 2 or 3 times or letting it sit in the up position for 10 – 20 minutes. If the
tub/deck continues to come down slowly and does not seem to want to come down the last section of the cylinder
follow these steps to check and clean the hydraulic filter.
Use a 2x4 or other strong material to prop the tub/deck solidly, this support will be holding the full weight
of the tub/deck in the air so make sure it is strong enough.
Use the remote control to lower the cylinder, putting all of the weight on your support and taking the
pressure off the hydraulics.
Undo the nut holding the solenoid and the remove the solenoid, this nut is only hand tight.
Use a 15/16 wrench to undo the solenoid housing slowly.
When oil starts to seep out of the threads, stop turning until there is no pressure left in the oil coming
out, usually just a few seconds.