Professional Audio Products Data Sheet
CP 62
Remote Controlling the CP 62
The only controls that need to be accessed on a regular
basis are the Source and Level controls, and in some installa-
tions, a Zone Paging switch. The optional CPR 1 and CPR 2
remotes may be installed in any standard electrical box, and
connect to the rear of the CP 62 via standard modular (phone
type) connectors.These remotes allow the CP 62 to be locked
under a security cover or out of sight, protecting Level and
EQ settings.
The CPR 2 allows remote source and volume selection.
Activating the REMOTE CONTROL button on the front of
the CP 62 enables the CPR 2. A separate CPR 2 unit may be
installed for individual remote Source and Level selection
within each Zone.
The CPR 1 Zone Assign remote directs the Paging Inputs
to ZONE 1, ZONE 2, BOTH, or OFF. The CPR 1 is opera-
tionally identical to the front panel ZONE ASSIGN switch
with an additional OFF option. A CP 62 rear panel ASSIGN
switch determines whether the PHONE/LINE or MIC Input is
controlled by the CPR 1 remote. The other Input is assigned
by the CP 62 front panel ZONE ASSIGN switch.
CPR 1 Zone Paging and CPR 2
Source/Volume Remotes
Block Diagram