Command reference
User Manual 1178.5966.02 ─ 19
auto-detection works you can use the simpler command
If several calibration units are connected, use
to select a unit for the calibration.
Channel number of the calibrated channel
Setting parameters:
Location of the characterization (cal kit file) to be used for the
automatic calibration (string parameter):
If an empty string (
' '
) is specified, the factory cal kit file
stored in the active calibration unit is used.
A VNA cal kit file name
without path refers to a
specific cal kit file stored in the internal memory of the active cal-
ibration unit.
A VNA cal kit file name without path but prefixed with "SD:"
refers to a specific cal kit file stored on the SD card inserted at
the active calibration unit.
A VNA cal kit file name
with path refers to a spe-
cific cal kit file stored in an arbitrary directory on the analyzer.
Test port numbers. For an n-port automatic calibration, n arbi-
trary (not necessarily consecutive) port numbers must be speci-
Port numbers of the cal unit. For an n-port automatic calibration,
n arbitrary (not necessarily consecutive) port numbers must be
specified. It is possible to combine arbitrary (not necessarily
matching) pairs of analyzer and cal unit ports.
Perform an automatic 1-port calibration at analyzer port 1, using
the calibration unit's default calibration kit file and port 2 of the
cal unit.
Setting only
Manual operation:
Returns the assignment between the physical analyzer ports and the ports of the con-
nected automatic calibration unit.
VNA command reference