Command reference
User Manual 1178.5966.02 ─ 19
The delay parameter is returned according to the selected <DelayMode>; see
Query parameters:
Name of the connector type. Use
String parameter containing the name of the calibration kit. See
"Cal kit naming conventions " under
String parameter containing the label of the calibration kit, usu-
ally the serial number.
MMTHrough | MFTHrough | FFTHrough | MMLine | MMLine1 |
MMLine2 | MMLine3 | MFLine | MFLine1 | MFLine2 | MFLine3 |
FFLine | FFLine1 | FFLine2 | FFLine3 | MMATten | MFATten |
FFATten | MMSNetwork | MFSNetwork | FFSNetwork | MOPen |
FOPen | MSHort | FSHort | MOSHort | MOSHort1 | MOSHort2 |
MOSHort3 | FOSHort | FOSHort1 | FOSHort2 | FOSHort3 |
MREFlect | FREFlect | MMTCh | FMTCh | MSMatch | FSMatch
Standard type; see
DELay | ELENgth
ELENgth (default) – ZVR compatible modelling
DELay – Keysight modelling
<Port1>[, <Port2>]
Optional port restriction: one port number for one port standards,
two port numbers for two port standards
Query only
[SENSe:]CORRection:CKIT... with Labels
The following
commands identify the calibration kit
to be used by a combination of its <CalkitName> and <CalkitLabel>. Typically, the
serial number of the calibration kit serves as a calibration kit label. Due to their different
labels, the analyzer can handle several calibration kits with identical names.
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VNA command reference