VNA GUI reference
User Manual 1178.5966.02 ─ 19
For background information, see
The delay at each sweep point is computed as:
where the aperture Δf is a finite frequency interval around the sweep point f
and the
analyzer measures the corresponding phase change ΔΦ, which is calculated via a lin-
ear regression algorithm over the frequency points of the aperture.
The aperture must be adjusted to the conditions of the measurement. A
small aperture increases the noise in the group delay; a large aperture tends to mini-
mize the effects of noise and phase uncertainty, but at the expense of frequency reso-
lution. Phase distortions (i.e. deviations from linear phase) which are narrower in fre-
quency than the aperture tend to be smeared over and cannot be measured.
Remote command:
Dflt Marker Frmt
Defines the default marker format of the active trace. "Default" means formatted
according to the selected trace format.
New markers are formatted with the trace's "Dflt Marker Frmt"; existing markers are
reformatted if (and only if) their
is set to (Trace) "Default".
For background information on marker formats, see
Remote command:
Display Lines softtool
The "Display Lines" softtool allows you to control display and limit line settings.
Display settings ("Diagram", "Split" and "Config" tabs) comprise all functions for activat-
ing, modifying and arranging diagrams.
Background information for display settings
Refer to the following sections:
Chapter 9.1.3, "Traces, channels and diagrams"
Chapter 9.2.1, "Display elements of a VNA diagram"
Limit lines settings define limits for the measurement results, visualize them in the dia-
grams and activate/deactivate the limit check. The analyzer provides upper, lower, rip-
ple and circle limits. Furthermore, functions to limit complex diagrams to a user-defined
"Display Circle" and to add user-defined horizontal lines to cartesian diagrams are
Display Lines softtool