Vector Network Analysis
User Manual 1334.5985.02 ─ 02
Vector Network Analysis
The network analyzer mode provides the functionality to characterize networks with
one or two test ports.
All R&S
ZNH models have a tracking generator and VSWR bridge that are necessary
to use the network analyzer. The network analyzer provides measurements to deter-
mine the reflection or transmission characteristics in both directions of the device under
test (DUT). In addition to the magnitude of the transmitted and reflected power, vector
measurements also determine the phase characteristics of the DUT.
Although the accuracy of measurements is high in the default factory calibration, the
ZNH also provides all necessary calibration methods to correct the magnitude for
these kinds of measurements and make results even more accurate.
1. Press the [MODE] key.
2. Select the "Vector Network Analyzer" softkey.
The R&S
ZNH starts the vector network analyzer (VNA) mode and turns on the
tracking generator.
Figure 8-1: Screen layout of the network analyzer
4a, 4b, 4c, 4d = Up to four different measurement trace windows are displayed, see
= Up to six different markers can be used in a measurement trace window. A total of six mark-
ers are displayed in all trace window combinations.
6a, 6b
= Upper and lower test limits
= Display line