GUI reference
User Manual 1173.9163.02 ─ 62
The limit line colors are defined in the "Define User Color Scheme" dialog (see
ter, "Define User Color Scheme dialog"
on page 743). You can choose
between various options:
Assign the same color to traces and associated limit lines.
Assign different colors to limit line segments with disabled limit check.
Limit line display and limit check are independent of each other: Hiding the limit
line does not switch off the limit check.
Remote command:
Limit Check
Switches the limit check of the active trace on or off. When the limit check is switched
on, a movable "PASS" or "FAIL" message is displayed in the diagram.
Limit violations are marked with squares, whose color is defined in the
("Limit Fail Trace Color").
indicating pass or fail can be generated in addition.
Lines softtool