Getting Started
Satellite Navigation
User Manual 1178.6379.02 ─ 01
5 Getting Started
In its default configuration, this software generates GNSS signal that is sufficient for a
receiver to get a position fix.
The simulated GNSS system depends on the installed options. For instance, if
SMW-K44 is installed, it is GPS C/A signal in the L1 band.
For any of the GNSS systems, the simulation starts on 19.02.2014 at 6
am UTC time
and satellite constellation corresponds to the one seen by a static receiver located in
5.1 Trying Out the GNSS Simulator
The following simple examples can help you get familiar with the basic functions of the
"How to generate a GNSS signal for simple receiver tests (default configuration)"
"How to configure a hybrid satellite constellation"
How to generate a GNSS signal for simple receiver tests (default configuration)
1. Select "Baseband > Satellite Navigation > GNSS".
2. Select "General > State > On".
The summary information confirms that a single GNSS system signal is generated.
The used frequency band is indicated, too.
3. To observe current satellite constellation, select "GNSS > Simulation Monitor".
Trying Out the GNSS Simulator