Instrument Function
Operating Manual 1407.0806.32 ─ 21
Start Freq
Sets the start frequency.
Remote command:
Stop Freq
Sets the stop frequency.
Remote command:
Current Freq
Displays the current frequency.
In sweep "Step" mode, the parameter is editable and you can enter frequency for the
next step.
Remote command:
Selects the mode for the calculation of the frequency sweep intervals.
Takes the frequency value entered as an absolute value in Hz
Takes the value entered as a lograithmic value, that means as a con-
stant fraction of teh current frequency in
Remote command:
Selects the waveform shape of the sweep signal.
The sweep runs from the start to the stop frequency. Each subse-
quent sweep starts at the start frequency, that means the shape of
the sweep sequence resembles a sawtooth.
The sweep runs from start to stop frequency and back, that means
the shape of the sweep resembles a triangle. A subsequent sweep
starts at the start frequency.
Remote command:
Modulation Generator and LF Output