Spectrum analysis
User Manual 1801.6687.02 ─ 05
Record Length/RBW Coupling
The record length and resolution bandwidth are coupled during FFT analysis. If you
change one value, the other must be adapted accordingly. You can keep either value
constant, thus preventing automatic adaptation when the other parameter is changed.
However, this may cause the FFT analysis to fail.
This setting is only available if gating is not enabled (otherwise the gate determines the
RBW automatically).
For details, see
Chapter 9.1.1, "Fundamentals of FFT analysis"
"Record length
The record length remains constant. If not enough samples are avail-
able for the selected RBW, the RBW is decreased.
"RBW control-
The RBW is not adapted, i.e. remains as defined. The required acqui-
sition time for this RBW is indicated. If necessary and possible, the
record length is extended to acquire the required number of samples.
Remote command:
Required acquisition time
The required acquisition time is calculated for the defined RBW value if "RBW con-
stant" is selected, and is displayed for information only. If the required acquisition time
is not available (e.g. because acquisition has already been stopped), an error message
is displayed in the
tab indicating that not enough samples are available for
the defined RBW.
Remote command:
Peak list
For a description of the "Peak List" settings, see
Chapter 8.2.7, "Spectrum measure-
FFT coupling
Access: [FFT] > "FFT setup" > "Coupling" tab
Up to four spectrum displays can be shown simultaneously, one for each math wave-
form. The settings for one or more spectrums can be coupled. Thus, if any FFT setting
for any of the coupled spectrums are changed, they are changed for all coupled spec-
FFT analysis