Instrument tour
Getting Started 1801.6670.02 ─ 03
Opens the "Waveform Generator" dialog box, if option R&S
RTO6-B6 is installed.
The waveform generator can generate various function and arbitrary waveforms,
sweeps, and parallel patterns. For detailed specifications, refer to the data sheet.
The option can be installed in the option slot at the rear panel.
Opens the" Parallel buses" dialog box for configuration the digital channels.
The key lights up if you enable at least one parallel bus. Press the key repeatedly
to switch the parallel buses.
Opens the "Protocol" dialog box which contains the configuration of serial buses
and the settings for decoding the signals.
The key lights up if the decoding of a serial bus is active. Press the key repeat-
edly to switch the serial buses.
Opens and closes the "FFT" dialog box. The key lights up if an FFT is active.
Opens the "Math" dialog box, where you can configure the calculation of mathe-
matical waveforms using various mathematic operations on other waveforms.
Press the key repeatedly to switch the math waveform.
If a math waveform is selected, the vertical rotary knobs are illuminated in brown
(default color), the brightness of the color depends on the selected waveform.
The upper rotary knob changes the vertical position or the offset of the selected
waveform. The horizontal axis and the selected waveform are moved vertically.
The knob lights up in the color of the selected waveform.
You can select if the knob changes the position or the offset in "Menu" > "Set-
tings" > "Frontpanel" > "Knobs" dialog.
To set the value to zero, press the knob. Turn clockwise to move up the wave-
form. The current value is shown in the input box in the upper right corner of the
Position indicates the vertical location in divisions.
Offset moves the vertical center of the selected channel to the offset value.
Keys and controls