Remote Control
Operating Manual 1505.3896.12 - 14
Parameters must be separated from the header by a "white space". If several
parameters are specified in a command, they are separated by a comma ",". For a
description of the parameter types, refer to
ROUTe:MODule:DEFine F01,3100001
This command assigns an R&S OSP instrument represented by the address 3100001
to a instrument name. With this name the instrument can be addressed in subsequent
commands. Structure of a Command Line
A command line may consist of one or several commands. It is terminated by a <New
Line>, a <New Line> with EOI or an EOI together with the last data byte. Some
programming languages automatically produce an EOI together with the last data byte.
Several commands in a command line must be separated by a semicolon ";". If the
next command belongs to a different command system, the semicolon is followed by a
ROUT:PATH:DEF “path1”,(@F01(0104));:MMEM:STOR:STAT 0,“pathfile”
This command line contains two commands. The first command belongs to the
ROUTe system and defines a path name which it stored in the instrument’s internal
memory. The second command belongs to the MMEMory system and stores all
actually defined path names durable on the compact flash of the instrument.
If the successive commands belong to the same system, having one or several levels
in common, the command line can be abbreviated. To this end, the second command
after the semicolon starts with the level that lies below the common levels. The colon
following the semicolon must be omitted in this case.
ROUT:PATH:DEF “path1”,(@F01A11(0104));:ROUT:PATH:DEL “path0”
This command line is written in its full length and contains two commands separated
from each other by the semicolon. Both commands are part of the ROUT:PATH
command subystem, i.e. they have two levels in common.
When abbreviating the command line, the second command begins with the level
below ROUT:PATH. The colon after the semicolon is omitted. The abbreviated form of
the command line reads as follows:
ROUT:PATH:DEF “path1”,(@F01A11(0104));DEL “path0”
A new command line must always begin with the complete path.
ROUT:PATH:DEF “path1”,(@F01A11(0104))