Retrieving the S-Parameters
Manual 1178.6140.02 ─ 02
3. On the PC, start the
file to install the driver.
In case the Windows user account does not have sufficient rights:
a) Search for the command-line tool
b) Right-click the tool and select the "Run as Administrator" option.
c) Start the
file from there.
Connecting the R&S
HA-Z24E to a PC
Do not connect multiple R&S
HA-Z24E preamplifiers to the same PC at the
same time.
► Connect the USB connector of the R&S
HA-Z24E to the two USB ports of the
PC using the provided y-shaped USB cable. If you connect the R&S
to only one USB port, it does not work.
A green LED indicates the correct connection to the USB ports. If the LED is
not on, check the connection.
Via the USB connection, the PC provides power to the R&S
HA-Z24E, and
transfers data from the preamplifier to the PC.
As soon as you connect the R&S
HA-Z24E to a power supply, the preamplifier
is permanently on. It is ready to use after its warmup time, see the data sheet
for details.
Starting the Software
Ensure the prerequisites and the connection described above are carried out
before starting the software.
► On the PC, run the
included with the driver from any
Starting the Software