Common Measurement Settings
User Manual 1173.9411.02 ─ 43
When you connect the external preamplifier, the R&S
FSW reads out the touchdown
) file from the EEPROM of the preamplifier. This file contains the s-parameters of
the preamplifier. As soon as you connect the preamplifier to the R&S
FSW, the pream-
plifier is permanently on and ready to use. However, you must enable data correction
based on the stored data explicitly on the R&S
FSW using this setting.
When enabled, the R&S
FSW automatically compensates the magnitude and phase
characteristics of the external preamplifier in the measurement results. Any internal
preamplifier, if available, is disabled.
An active external preamplifier is also included in the calculation of the combined user-
defined frequency response correction filter and displayed in the preview for SnP files
When disabled, no compensation is performed even if an external preamplifier remains
Remote command:
Noise Cancellation
The R&S
FSW can correct the results by removing the inherent noise of the analyzer,
which increases the dynamic range.
In this case, a reference measurement of the inherent noise of the analyzer is carried
out. The measured noise power is then subtracted from the power in the channel that
is being analyzed (first active trace only).
The inherent noise of the instrument depends on the selected center frequency, resolu-
tion bandwidth and level setting. Therefore, the correction function is disabled when-
ever one of these parameters is changed. A disable message is displayed on the
screen. To enable the correction function after changing one of these settings, activate
it again. A new reference measurement is carried out.
Noise cancellation is also available in zero span.
Currently, noise cancellation is only available for the following trace detectors (see
Positive peak
Remote command:
Scaling the Y-Axis
The individual scaling settings that affect the vertical axis are described here.
: "Overview" > "Amplitude" > "Scale" tab
: [AMPT] > "Scale Config"
The remote commands required to define these settings are described in
ter 14.7.3, "Configuring the Vertical Axis (Amplitude, Scaling)"
Amplitude and Vertical Axis Configuration