Measurements and Results
User Manual 1173.9411.02 ─ 43
Configures how detailed the list in the Result Summary is.
Includes all detected peaks (up to a maximum defined by "Peaks per Range").
Includes only one peak per range.
Remote command:
Peaks per Range
Defines the maximum number of peaks per range that are stored in the list. Once the
selected number of peaks has been reached, the peak search is stopped in the current
range and continued in the next range. The maximum value is 50.
Remote command:
Save Evaluation List
Exports the evaluation list of the Spurious Emissions measurement to an ASCII file for
evaluation in an external application. If necessary, change the decimal separator for
evaluation in other languages.
Define the file name and storage location in the file selection dialog box that is dis-
played when you select the "Save" function.
For details, see
"How to Save the Spurious Emissions Evaluation List"
Remote command:
How to Perform a Spurious Emissions Measurement
The following step-by-step instructions demonstrate how to perform spurious emis-
sions measurements.
For remote operation, see
Chapter, "Programming Example: Spurious Emis-
1. Press the [MEAS] key, then select the "Spurious Emissions" measurement.
2. Define the span of the signal to be monitored in the general span settings.
3. Select the "Overview" softkey, then select the "Spurious Setup" button.
The "Spurious Emissions" dialog box is displayed.
4. Split the frequency span of the measurement into ranges for signal parts with simi-
lar characteristics.
Define the required ranges in the "Sweep List" using the "Insert before Range" and
"Insert after Range" buttons, which refer to the currently selected range.
Spurious Emissions Measurement